The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0)

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Book: The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0) by Tameri Etherton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tameri Etherton
thanked Amdi for over three seasons of torturous temptation. It served him well at present.
    “ I need an heir ,” she hissed .“ You come from prolific stock. Perhaps the gods have seen fit to send you here to provide me with a daughter . ”
    A servant arrived and announced ,“ His Eminence, the High Priest Brandt kaj Endion, and his daughter, Lady Faelara dal Arran . ”
    The empress maintained her grasp of Rhoan e’ s nether regions as she gave a quick nod to the newcomers .“ Brandt, yo u’ ve come just in time to meet my new concubine . ”
    An older gentleman sidled into Rhoan e’ s peripheral vision .“ Your Majesty, accosting a noble of the Eleri is a criminal offense .” He cleared his throat .“I’ ve heard rumors of Eleri torture, and I’ m certain you would find it most unwelcome . ”
    Lliandr a’ s nails cut into the sunburned skin of Rhoan e’ s neck .“I’ m sure I would .” She smoothed the fabric of his trousers by pressing her palm hard against his flaccid cock .“ Perhaps our Eleri guest does not favor the company of women, after all .” She stepped away. A look of contempt marred her lovely features .“ Just my luck they would send me a counterfeit prince . ”
    “ I assure you, Empress Lliandra ,” Rhoane said .“ I am neither false, nor do I find you unappealing. I am bound to an oath I took as a lad. My mate has been chosen for me already, and as you might not know, Eleri mate with one person for life . ”
    She eyed his trousers with unabashed longing .“ Mor e’ s the pity for you. Still, we have no proof you are who you claim to be. Until I can determine your business in my kingdom, you will stay confined in a cell . ”
    The high priest cleared his throat .“ Again, Your Majesty, I caution patience. There is an easy way to answer your query .” He slid a glance at his daughter, who stepped forward and unwrapped Rhoan e’ s sword from a thick wool cloth.
    “ You went through my belongings ?” Anger surged through Rhoan e’ s veins. He subdued his power and his tone .“ Did you find anything else of interest ? ”
    The priest ignored the taunt and beckoned to the empress .“ Lliandra, look at the engravings on the blade. They are in an ancient Eleri dialect, and I’ ve yet to decipher the inscription. However, these I can read .” He withdrew Carg a’ s scrolls from his robes .“ This man is not just an Eleri noble . ”
    “ I do n’ t have time for games, Brandt. Tell me who he is . ”
    A flurry of activity toward the foyer caused them all to turn as one. A ma n’ s voice could be heard berating someone else, and then a gentleman rushed in. His robes flared behind him in a cloud of midnight damask.
    “ Why is that damned man so insistent on announcing me? You know full well who I am !” The man stopped short when he saw the group .“ Ah. That explains it. I was unaware you had company . ”
    “ A fact you woul d’ ve known had you let my seneschal do his job .” The empress held out her hands to the man .“ Come here, my scoundrel. Yo u’ ve been gone too long and have lost all your courtly manners . ”
    The man embraced Lliandra with the familiarity of a lover. The kiss he gave, although chaste, bespoke later promises, Rhoane was certain.
    “ Prince Rhoane, if that is who you truly ar e— and I’ m not fully convinced ye t— may I introduce you to the foremost mage in all of Aelinae? Alswyth Myrddin. Myrddin has been traveling of late and is just returned to us. What remarkable timing .” Her lips grazed the older gentlema n’ s before she indicated her guest .“ This young man says he is Prince Rhoane of the Eleri. Brandt was just telling us how his sword proves his identity . ”
    Myrddin bowed to Rhoane, an acceptable depth, but not nearly as low as it shoul d’ ve been for a man of his rank. Rhoane returned the gesture. H e’ d read about the mage in one of his fathe r’ s books. The facts of the article escaped him, but he recalled

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