The Dane Commission (The Dane Chronicles)

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Book: The Dane Commission (The Dane Chronicles) by Max Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Max Dane
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brief explanation, Ryan was
able to watch the doctor input and assign a treatment. While they watched, Jeff
explained that the doctor never knows anything about the patient beyond the
biological state, symptoms and health. No names and no history beyond what was
necessary to know.
    He went on to say that the doctors
working in a given area of research, had access to patient data associated with
that interest regardless of which IntelliHealth Facility they were in.
    “I’m not sure I understand, Jeff.”
”Well, what I mean is our researchers see the patients of the IntelliHealth
System grouped by their biological condition, not by their location. If Dr.
Ellis is approved to begin a new treatment on patients with a particular
disorder, he may prescribe a treatment that will be administered to patients
around the world, not just in our local hospital.”
    Curious, Ryan said, ”So treatments our local patients receive, are equally
likely to be prescribed from here, as from any IntelliHealth Facility?”
“Yes, that’s correct,” said Dr. Ellis.
    Apparently, there were lots of
crossover-collaborative treatments going on.
    He was learning a lot of good things
    Jeff said goodbye to Dr. Ellis, turned
to Ryan.
”Now let's visit Dr. Gimble. She prefers to prescribe treatments using the SID

Walking through the lab suite, and into the next, they found Gimble looking
into some sort of microscope and occasionally pausing to write short notes in a
yellow pad.
    Jeff explained why they were there, and
what they needed to see. She wasn’t happy about stopping to help them, but she
did agree. They walked over to the nearest view screen, and she began, “SID, I
need some help.”

The screen came to life displaying her current work, files and profile.
Then the SID program spoke.
“Yes of course Dr. Banner,” it said, ”How may I be of assistance?”
    “These gentlemen would like to see me
prescribe a treatment to a patient; and for this example, I think it would be
most useful to find one here at this Facility. I would like to look at the
treatment progress of case number 1011BZ3.”
    Instantly, a window appeared with a
line graph indicating some sort of progress across a variety of variables.
    “Sid, please add the time index to
these results.”
The two dimensional graph became a three dimensional plane with bumps and dips
across its surface.
    “SID, what is your analysis,” she said.
    The warm metallic voice didn’t

“The drop in amino-chlorides indicates gene signaling has failed in the
reconstituted nerve endings. The best reaction is to alternate current
treatment with direct insertion of new stem cells.”
    “Agreed. Please update the current
treatment schedule, save and close. Thank you SID.”
    “Goodbye, Dr. Banner.”
    The screen faded to black.
    Ryan had been ready to blame the SID
interface for the errors, but after seeing the smooth interaction between SID
and Dr. Banner, he couldn’t see how. There was a perfect discourse between the
scientist and the diagnostic program. If there were an error it would have to
occur between SID and the patient treatment schedule on the Hospital side of
    Ryan walked with Jeff back to the
hallway outside.
    “Jeff, I noticed that many of the labs
on this floor are using the SID program. Have you ever experienced or heard of
the SID interface making an error, maybe even due to faulty microphones, or any
hardware failure?”
    Jeff walked with Ryan a little way down
the hall towards the exit.
    “I’m sorry Ryan, but no; not once, not
ever. You have to understand we work with SID everyday. Our work is augmented,
supported and assisted by SID. As smart as the people are here, without the SID
program we would be back to mixing test tubes, and running centrifuges.”
    Jeff continued, “I noticed you’ve been
rubbing your arm; judging from the location, it’s probably where you were

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