deep.” He looked at Ana. “How soon do you want your first customers?”
Ana glanced at Vance, then back at Hank. “Is there anything we need to do to get ready?”
“Not to begin with. I have several locals who’ve been itchin’ to cast a fly in this section of the river. No angler wants to compete in a crowd.” Hank looked at Mike. “Day after tomorrow?”
Mike nodded. “I have a group of four. We’ll be testing the water to see what we catch. Thing is, the Big Hole River is all good.”
Hank smiled again. “Is that okay with you?” he asked Ana.
Her eyes widened. “Sure.”
The older man shook his head. “Relax, Ana. We’re doing all the work. Now, if you had lodging, there’s a group coming in this weekend. I’ll have to put them up in the local motel.”
Vance was suddenly curious. “How many anglers, and what do they expect in accommodations?”
“It’s a group of four who are pretty easy to please. A roof over their heads and a bed. A bonus would be to not have to cook.”
Vance glanced at Ana, then said, “I’ve got a house at the ranch, and if Kathleen will cook a little extra, we can throw in a few meals, too.”
Ana shook her head. “No, Vance. You can’t give up your place.”
He shrugged. “Not a problem.” He shot a look at Mike. “I’ll just move up to the main house with you.”
* * *
“I can’t believe you said that,” Ana said as she marched up to Rusty’s stall an hour later. She was not happy with Vance.
She leaned against the wooden slats as he began to brush the animal.
“I don’t see the problem,” he told her. “It’s my house to give up.”
“You know that’s not what I’m talking about. You made them think that there’s something going on between us.”
“Can I help what they think?”
“You can when you direct them there,” she countered.
“Okay, you’re right, but I didn’t like the way Sawhill was looking at you. And admit it, you’re uncomfortable around him.”
“I can handle any problem with Mike.”
Vance paused in grooming Rusty. “So you admit there’s a problem.”
“Look, we only went out a few times. I didn’t feel anything for the guy so I didn’t continue seeing him. He didn’t like that.”
“Did he bother you today?”
“No. So I don’t need you to intervene. But now you made it so people think I’m...”
“Involved with that wild Rivers kid,” he finished for her.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” She released a sigh. “Don’t we have enough to do without adding to it?”
“I don’t see I’m adding to anything. I solved a couple of problems. One, I got Sawhill off your back, stopped him thinking about trying to start up something again.”
“I’m not interested, anyway.” This man was infuriating. “It was only a few dates, a few kisses,” she said, lowering her voice, wanting to walk away. She wasn’t going to discuss another man with him.
Vance put away the brush. “Secondly, we have paying customers, and add in lodging, there’s a lot more money coming in. Say, ‘thank you, Vance.’”
Ana knew she was being stubborn about this. Why did she have a problem with him staying in the house? Maybe because there were just the two of them, and with the attraction she was feeling, it wasn’t safe. “Okay, thank you.”
Vance stroked Rusty across his back, then walked out of the stall. “It’s only for a week, Ana. Could you put up with me that long?”
They started down the barn aisle. At this time of day the men were out doing chores. So besides the horses in their stalls, they were pretty much alone.
“Or should I move back into my old room in the barn, or the bunkhouse?”
She stopped. “I can’t let you do that. Of course you can move into the house.”
Vance’s eyes softened, then he gripped her hand and pulled her into the empty corner stall.
“Vance, what are you doing?”
With a tug of her hand, he had her suddenly against his body. “I thought since you
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