The Comeback (BWWM Interracial Romance Book 7)

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Book: The Comeback (BWWM Interracial Romance Book 7) by Elena Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elena Brown
up to her slightly fogged-over brain. “Why are you so worried about me meeting Felicity?” she asked Brenton abruptly.
    “What? I’m not worried about you meeting her.”
    Amber stopped, a few feet away from their waiting car. “If you’re not worried about it, then why do you keep putting it off?”
    Brenton’s face went pale. “I—it’s her grandparents.”
    Amber rolled her eyes. “It’s always your in-laws. You can’t go out with me after all because they won’t take her. Or I can’t stay the night because you have to go pick her up. Or I can stay the night but I have to leave before they come to drop her off in the morning.” Amber shook her head. “Tell me what the real issue is.”
    Brenton pressed his lips together. “It really is them,” he told her. “They give me a hard time over everything—every little thing I do, they’re either disappointed, it’s not good enough, or they do something bigger and better. If I buy Felicity a rocking horse, they buy her a kiddie car. If I get her a coloring book, they buy her a painting kit.”
    “We’re not talking about them,” Amber said sharply. “We’re talking about why you don’t want me to meet Felicity.”
    Brenton hesitated. “It’s not that I don’t want you to meet her—I do want you to meet her. I just don’t know if it’s the right time.”
    Her emotions and her slight buzz got the best of her, and Amber raised her voice. “We’ve been seeing each other for months now! I know we’re not all that serious yet, but you could at least introduce us. Call me your friend! Or am I just not good enough to meet your daughter?”
    Brenton grabbed at her wildly waving hands. “Shh, Amber. You told me yourself that the press is always waiting for you to act up. Let’s get in the car.”
    Amber scowled. “You just want to change the subject again.” But Amber let herself be led to the car.
    They rode in silence for a few minutes before she started the topic up again. “If you’re not ashamed of me, if you’re not ashamed to introduce me to your daughter, why do you keep putting it off?”
    Brenton shook his head. “I don’t. We’re both busy; we’ve both got a lot going on…”
    “No. Uh-uh. Whenever I drop even the slightest hint about meeting her or doing something with her, you make an excuse. Just admit it: you’re ashamed of me.”
    “I’m not ashamed of you. She’s just so young, and I don’t want to give her high hopes when I’m not even sure how seriously you’re taking the relationship.”
    Amber felt as though she’d been slapped. “How seriously I’m taking the relationship?” She scowled at him. “How seriously are you taking the relationship that you won’t even let me meet your daughter?”
    “I’m serious about it,” Brenton protested. “I’m really serious about it.”
    “Then why won’t you let me meet Felicity?” Brenton stared at her in silence. Amber took a deep breath; they were getting closer to Brenton’s house. She made a decision. “You know what? I think we both need some space. I think you need some time to think of just how serious you truly are about us.” She swallowed against the tightness in her throat.
    Brenton looked at her, his bright green eyes fading slightly, full of sadness. “If that’s what you want,” he said, taking a deep breath.
    “Yeah,” Amber told him, inching away from him on the back seat of the hired car. “That’s what I want.”

Chapter Six
    Brenton pulled up to his friend Chris’ house, feeling as though the weight of the world was on his shoulders. Normally, he would have called Amber; normally he would have had plans with her. Over the past several months, any time that he had free from his job as well as from his daughter went to the woman he loved first, and then the other people in his life. But ever since they had fought at a charity event a week ago where Amber had been a guest as well as a performer, things had been chilly between

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