The Clique

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Book: The Clique by Lisi Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisi Harrison
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kinda bitchy.
    “We are such soul sisters,” Claire said.
    “I know,” Layne said. “We have to start hanging out.” She wiped a glob off the side of her thermos and packed it up in her backpack
    Claire, suddenly embarrassed for Layne, scrambled to focus on something else.
    “That is the coolest bag I’ve ever seen,” Claire said.
    It had a dark green shell that opened like the trunk on a scooter. The surface was covered in stickers from different snowboard companies, except for two spots on the either side. That’s where the stereo speakers were.
    Layne pushed a button on the top of the bag and a techno remix blasted through the room.
    The diet Coke girls whipped their heads around to find the source of the sudden noise. Once they saw Layne holding her bag up to her ear, they lost interest and turned back to their sodas.
    “It has a CD player built into it. I got it for fifty bucks. Can you believe?” Layne said.
    “Half the bags I’ve seen around here cost ten times more and
don’t do
” Claire exclaimed.
    Layne laughed.
    “Hey, Friday night, wanna go to a movie or listen to my bag or something?” she asked.
    “Yeah, I would love to.” Claire hugged her new friend and gave her a huge smile, but deep down inside, a little nagging part of her wished she had been invited to sit at an A-list table instead.
    “Maybe I should check with my mom first,” Claire said.

    3:25 P.M . September 4th
    The heavy oak doors of Briarwood Academy flew open and a rush of boys in gray jackets and red ties poured out of the building and stomped all over the grass in the middle of the huge circular driveway. Massie, Alicia, and Dylan were hiding across the street from the boys’ school, but thanks to the binoculars they’d “borrowed” from the science lab, they felt like they could touch it.
    “Shhhhhh, here they come,” Massie whispered. She ducked behind the manicured row of hedges where Alicia and Dylan were already crouched and in position.
    Dylan let the binoculars dangle from the string around her neck so she could tear the stubborn silver foil off her Zone bar. To Massie, the crinkling wrapper sounded like nickels raining down on a tin roof.
” Massie whispered again.
    “It’s not like he can hear me from all the way—,” Dylan started. But Massie quickly put her hand over Dylan’s mouth to shut her up.
    “I don’t see him,” Alicia whispered. “What does he look like again?”
    “Leo DiCaprio, before he got doughy,” Massie said.
    “Every guy here looks like that,” Alicia said.
    “Yeah, but Chris Abeley has messy hair—in blond!” Massie said.
    Like most hot guys, Chris Abeley was a “firsty-lasty.” This meant no one called him “Chris” and no one called him “Abeley.” He was always Chris Abeley.
    “Mmmmerrrrrrr.” Dylan tried to speak, but Massie’s hand was still in the way. After two silent minutes Dylan forced her tongue through her smashed lips and licked Massie’s palm.
    “Ew!” Massie quickly removed her hand.
    Dylan took a huge bite of her chocolate raspberry supreme bar and wagged her food-filled tongue at Massie.
    “You’re disgusting.” Massie laughed. She wiped her hand across the hedges to dry it off.
    “What would you rather?” Alicia asked with a mischievous smile. “A kiss from Chris Abeley after he ate a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and drank pickle juice or … a kiss from Chris Abeley after he barfed up clam chowder?”
    “Both,” Massie said. “Now be quiet!”
    The stakeout had required a lot of preparation. First Massie had to tell Isaac that she was going to the library after school and that he wouldn’t need to pick her up until 4:30 P.M .. Once the pickup was confirmed, she had to plan their escape from OCD. Since both schools let out at the exact same time and were precisely seven minutes apart, they had to be on the move no later than 3:13 P.M . Massie would have been fine

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