The Charmer

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Book: The Charmer by Kate Hoffmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hoffmann
you?” Her hips pressed against his and he slipped his arms around her waist to steady them both. Slowly, she dragged the blade over his skin, her brow furrowed in concentration.
    Alex held his breath, waiting for disaster, but Tenley took her time. And as she worked at the task, he found himself growing more and more aroused. There was something about her taking on this mundane part of his life, even if it was as simple as shaving, and making it erotically charged.
    With a low moan, he moved his hands down to her hips, his shaft growing harder with every second thatpassed. Was it possible to want her any more than he already did? Every time he thought his need might be sated, he found himself caught up in yet another sexual encounter, more powerful than the last.
    “Quit squirming,” she warned. “I’m almost finished.”
    “Finished?” He chuckled, running his hands up to her breasts. “Look what you started.”
    “It really doesn’t take much, does it?” Tenley teased.
    “From you, no.” Why was that? Alex wondered. Why did every innocent touch seem to send all the blood to his crotch? What kind of magical power did she hold over him?
    “You know,” she murmured, “we’re lucky we’re snowed in.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Because if we have to take care of your little problem every time it pops up, we’d never get out of the house.”
    “We could always take a shower together and see how that goes. Maybe it will just disappear.”
    “I know exactly how to get it to disappear,” she said. “Come on.” Tenley grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bathroom, bits of shaving cream still on his face. “You’ll love this.”
    They walked through the house, both of them stark naked. Then she opened the coat closet and rummaged around inside until she pulled out a pair of boots. “Here, put these on.”
    “Oh, wait a minute. Is this going to get kinky? You want me to be the lumberjack and you’re going to be the. I don’t know, what are you going to be?”
    “Just put them on.”
    “Do it,” Tenley said. She grabbed her own boots from the mat beside the back door and tugged them on, then flipped a switch beside the door. A red light blinked. “Ready?” she asked, her hand on the door.
    “For what?”
    “Just follow me.” Tenley yanked the door open, then stepped outside onto the back porch.
    Alex gasped. “What the hell are you doing? You’re naked. You’ll freeze to death.”
    “Not if I run fast enough,” she cried. With that, she scurried across the porch to the steps, then carefully waded through the drifted snow.
    If this was Tenley’s idea of fun, then Alex was going to have to expose her to more interesting events—concerts, ball games, nightclubs. Drawing a deep breath, he walked through the open door and pulled it shut behind him. She stood waiting, her hair blowing in the wind, her skin pink from the cold.
    “You have to move fast, before you start to feel the cold,” she cried.
    “I already feel it.” He glanced down to notice that the erection she’d caused had subsided and the effects of the cold were beginning to set in. “Tenley, come on. I don’t want to play in the snow.”
    “Follow me,” she called. She headed toward a small log building. When she turned and waved to him, her foot caught on something beneath the snow and she disappeared into a snowdrift.
    With a sharp curse, Alex took off after her. By the time he got there, she’d already picked herself up and was laughing hysterically, snow coating her hair and lashes and melting off her warm body.
    “What the hell are you laughing about?”
    “I picked a bad time to be a klutz,” she said. Tenley grabbed his hand and led him to the tiny log hut, then opened the door. She reached inside and pulled out two buckets. “Here, fill these with snow.” She grabbed two for herself and scooped them into a nearby drift.
    By this time, Alex could barely feel his fingers, much less the other

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