The Chair

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Book: The Chair by Michael Ziegler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Ziegler
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to bring the recticle back on target but it was too late; the chair had begun to fragmentize and I had no clue where she would end up.
     I yelled at him. “You fool, you have no idea what you’ve done; where in hell did you send her?”
    Then quickly looking up at the display my eyes finally focused and I could see the target recticle was over Southeast Asia on the northern part of the island of Borneo!
    What must it be like there? I was beside myself but totally helpless at the moment. She’ll be totally confused, frightened and could be in big trouble! I had to get to a tracker as soon as I could.
    Half instinctively and half out of desperation, I quickly bent over forward and reached between my legs grabbing his ankles and yanked on them. Shockingly, it worked exactly as I’d hoped and took him completely by surprise. He went down backwards firing off one round as he dropped his rifle. The others began to run but I picked the rifle up pointing it at them. “Hold it, right there; you, hand me those keys and get over there with the rest of them.”
    He slowly picked himself up holding his head. “Ok, ok don’t get so anxious!”
    I don’t know what got into me, but I seemed to stand up fairly well to the occasion surprising myself. It felt good to have the upper hand for the moment and I was going to bask in it as long as I could.
    “All of you keep your hands up, walk to the elevator and don’t try anything funny, or I’ll blow a hole in you so big there won’t be any room for the rest of you.”
    I marched them to the elevator and up to the second level. When we reached the tank I looked through the bars and saw what looked like the remainder of Ara’s security team. These must have been the few that refused to go along with the rest and were locked up.
    I unbolted the heavy wooden door of the tank and it swung open. There were twelve of them inside and I could tell they had been there for awhile.
    “Who are you, are you letting us go?”
    I marched the others inside the tank. “All of you come out, I’ve got your replacements right here!”
    “Hey you’re alright! Where’s Ara?”
    “Believe it or not; she’s somewhere on an island in Southeast Asia!”
    “Southeast Asia! why? What in the world is she doing there?”
    “It’s a long story, believe you me. You have to help me get to her before she finds some kind of trouble. Leave someone here to guard these renegades in the tank and the rest of you follow me down to the conduit quickly.”
    We took the elevator back down to the lower cavern level and I stationed two guards at the door and one at the mouth of the cavern.
    “Don’t let anyone enter the conduit! Anders and Paxton are supposed to show up tomorrow morning still thinking everything is secure; let’s make them keep thinking that.”
    I slipped into the conduit alone and felt under the floor board for the switch to open the hidden room. The door slid open and the two trackers were inside right where we had left them. I walked in sliding the door closed. As soon as I sat down in one of them immediately the room began fading before me and I was off to the island of Borneo following the location of the chair.
    A s the scene before me began to materialize, I was overwhelmed by the enormity of it. An immense cave entrance, the likes of which I had never seen or heard of was before me.
    The heat and humidity was almost overwhelming as well as the utter stench. Little did I know then that I was at the entrance of the famous Gomantong Caves of Borneo. The tracker had materialized on uneven ground and I toppled over upon first appearing. Picking myself up, I pulled the tracker to more even turf and stood before the entrance to the cavern.
    This whole venture was becoming more and more bizarre. I was now standing in front of a giant cave on the third largest island in the world ― Borneo.
    I don’t think I could have come up with this in my

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