The Case of the Mossy Lake Monster

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Book: The Case of the Mossy Lake Monster by Michele Torrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Torrey
Tags: Ages 9 & Up
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    “Fascinating,” said Drake, pushing up his glasses. “Never fear, Ms. Rae. All is not lost. Scientist Nell and I will return to the laboratory for further analysis.”
    “Oh, booooo-hooooo! ”
    “We’ll need to take Zappy—” said Drake.
    “—and the blanket—” said Nell.
    “—Plus the food dish, complete with food—” added Drake.
    “—for analysis,” finished Nell. “Expect our report within twenty-four hours.”
    After listening to a few more boo-hoos , they piled into the car, with Zappy bundled up like a baby on Nell’s lap. “To the lab!” she cried. “And make it Zappy—I mean snappy! Life or death, you know.”
    “Check,” said Mr. Doyle. Again, tires squealed, and the smell of burning rubber filled the air.
    Back at the lab, Nell phoned home. “We’ve got a life or death situation. Could take all day.”
    “I understand, dear,” said Ann Fossey. And she did understand, because Nell’s mom was also a no-nonsense woman of science. She taught biology at Mossy Lake University. Wildlife biology, to be precise. “I’ll be here at home if you need me.” “Check.”
    Meanwhile, Drake pulled a book off the shelf and flipped through it until he found the right section. “Starving Cat Analysis: What to Do When Your Cat Won’t Eat, and He’s Snoozing on an Angora Blanket.”
    After Drake read the section aloud, they put their heads together. “Let’s go over the facts,” said Drake. And through the morning, they went over the facts and shared their observations. (Good scientists always share their observations.)
    Finally, Drake said, “Based on our observations, I have developed a hypothesis.”
    After Drake explained, they immediately set about to test the hypothesis, which, as any good scientist will tell you, is nothing but an educated guess. They worked until just around lunchtime, when Drake’s mom stuck her head around the door. “Hungry?” she asked.
    “Starved,” they replied.
    “How do egg-and-cheese sandwiches sound?”
    Nell shoved a pencil behind her ear. “Double the ketchup, hold the mayo.”
    “Affirmative. Hot chocolate, anyone?”
    “No, thanks,” said Drake.
    “Just coffee,” said Nell. “Decaf. Black.” (In case you’re wondering, real scientists don’t drink hot chocolate. Never have and never will. The same goes for detectives.)
    “Affirmative times two,” said Kate Doyle, and she was back in a jiffy with coffee, and in two jiffies with lunch. Like Mr. Doyle, she was rather handy to have around. Her coffee was great, and her food superb. In fact, it was so superb that she owned her own catering company. (Plus, she never forgot that Nell was a vegetarian.) So you see, Mrs. Doyle was quite handy indeed.
    Later, just as Nell started her third cup of decaf, and just as Drake’s hair was beginning to stand on end, their hypothesis was confirmed. “Just as I thought,” said Drake, shoving a pencil behind his ear. Drake dialed Caitlin’s number. “Drake here. We’ve got your answer. Meet us in the lab. Ten minutes. Tops.”
    Caitlin arrived in nine minutes, fifty-eight seconds.
    “Right on time,” said Drake.
    “And not a moment to spare,” said Nell, checking her watch. “Life or death, you know.”
    They sat Caitlin on a lab stool and gave her a box of tissues. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. “Can you save him? Is there any hope?”
    Drake nodded. “Indeed there is. Allow Scientist Nell to explain.”
    Nell whacked a chalkboard with her wooden pointer. “Observe. Everything in our world is made of tiny particles called atoms. Imagine if you had a copper penny and you divided that penny in half. And in half again. And again. You keep dividing the penny until you are left with the smallest particle of copper possible. That particle is called an atom. Then, if you were to divide the copper atom, it would no longer be copper.”
    “Couldn’t have said it better myself,” Drake commented.
    “Anyway,” continued

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