The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind

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Book: The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind by A. K. Pradeep Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. K. Pradeep
Tags: Psychology, Non-Fiction
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of speech sounds and words, however, involves both left and right temporal lobes. In contrast, speech production is a strongly left-dominant function. However, the emotional content in speech, which comes via voice inflection, is a mostly right hemispheric (emotional hemisphere) function.
    Sections of the Brain Work Together Like a Highly Coordinated Team
    The brain handles many mental functions through multiple regions. For example, the brain pathways used to read words are different from those we use to hear or speak them. Still another pathway gives us the meaning of P1: OTA/XYZ
    P2: ABC
    June 5, 2010
    Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA
    The Buying Brain
    the word. The more pathways that are involved, the more complicated the action becomes. Prosody—or the tone of voice we use when we speak that lets others know whether we’re happy, sad, or excited—originates in the right hemisphere of the brain. But the logical content of language, for example, that
    “the truck is red,” originates in the left hemisphere.
    In fact, all mental functions can be divided into subfunctions that work interdependently to give us a representation of consciousness and self. Perception, language, thought, movement, and memory all link to multiple regions of the brain. That’s why the entire brain must be measured to catch these electrical impulses as the separate regions “talk to” and react with each other.
    Each Section Interacts with the Next
    The final discovery in our tour of the brain is that each part of the brain interacts with its neighbors, creating topographical maps that science can use to find disorders and lesions. A final interesting but imperative fact: The functional systems on one side of the brain control the opposite side of the body. So the sensory/motor activations on the left side of the body are mediated by the cerebral hemisphere on the right side of the body.
    In this chapter, we celebrated the spectacular beauty of the brain, a mas-terpiece of connected neurons, functional centers, and hemispheres. The one clear takeaway from all the facts, the electricity, symphony, and dance : The brain makes behavior. Every millisecond of every day, the brain creates your world and the world of your consumers. It alone decides what’s important enough to pay attention to, to remember, and to act on. Only through your enhanced knowledge of the brain, and the enhanced messaging you create and deliver to it, can you reliably expect your brand, product, package, message, or experience to be granted an audience with this literal master of the universe.

    P1: OTA/XYZ
    P2: ABC
    June 7, 2010
    Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA

    The Five Senses and the
    Buying Brain
    At the end of this chapter, you’ll know and be able to use the following:
    r How each of the five senses “works”
    r How to construct messages, products, experiences, and ideas that reach the brain through the five senses
    r How the five senses interact with each other to construct our reality, day by day
    r Relevant, new information about each of the five senses What a gorgeous, vivid, delicious, melodic, aromatic, sensual world we live in! The human brain is beautifully evolved to make the most of the sensory input available on the Blue Planet. It’s true that other animals have better senses. Your eyes can’t compare with a peregrine falcon’s “eagle eye” for sense of sight, nor is your nose a match for your dog’s exquisitely finely tuned sense of smell. Dolphins hear more than you ever will, and so do the felines and rodents in your house or neighborhood.
    So why sing the praises of the five senses of the human brain? First, our sensory intake is remarkable because we have access to all of our senses. Many animals with expert sensory perception in one area developed that extreme sensitivity to counterbalance the absence of other senses. A mole, for example, has

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