The Blood Lance

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Book: The Blood Lance by Craig Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig Smith
Tags: thriller, Not Read, Craig Smith
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programmes. The morning talk shows had already turned Jack Farrell into an instant American folk hero, dubbing him the Runaway Billionaire.
    'They're going to get this guy,' Jane muttered, 'and he's going to come back and stand trial. When that happens the media is going to drag the agency into the middle of this, and when they do that, the Director is not going to have any trouble finding where to put the blame - and neither will I.'
    'Tell me what you want me to do.'
    'I want you to make Jack Farrell go away.'
    Malloy let his head tip back as he took a deep, thoughtful breath. ' Away?' he said, finally.
    'Dead, gone, or locked up for good in a German prison. Take your pick. Just don't let him come back to New York - or any place that is willing to extradite.'
    'I can do that, I guess.'
    'Farrell left two different passports in his hotel room. He was using one. The second was presumably his backup. He won't try leaving the country without a new ID, and my source in Hamburg tells me he's looking at a minimum of three days, probably closer to a week before he can get something that can pass. We don't know if he's still in Hamburg, of course. He could have moved to Berlin, but hunkering down right now is the smartest move he can make, and so far he's been making
    smart moves. Hamburg gives him a lot of cover. He takes a week, gets a new ID, and crosses the border someplace easy.'
    'I'll get a flight to Hamburg tomorrow and see what I can do.'
    'Your plane leaves tonight. We have to move on this thing, T. K. If the Germans get to him before you do, they'll send him back to us out of pure malice. If that happens you and I are going to suffer the consequences.' Malloy looked at his watch. A flight out that evening was pushing things a bit. 'And one more thing,' Jane told him. 'It's not out yet, but it will be for the evening news. Jack Farrell's new travelling companion is Helena Chernoff.'
    Malloy blinked. He knew the name but hadn't thought to link it to someone like Jack Farrell. 'Number seven on Interpol's Most Wanted list?'
    'Big fan, are you?' Jane asked.
    'Some people check out the best sellers, I watch the FBI and Interpol Most Wanted lists.'
    'What do you want to bet she moves up a couple of notches in the ratings next week?'
    'What's an assassin doing with Jack Farrell?'
    'Sleeping with him, according to the Germans.' When Malloy had nothing to say to this, Jane let one shoulder kick up in resignation. She was too old to question human nature's capacity to surprise. 'She works for money, T. K., and Jack Farrell has a lot of it. Also, she knows Hamburg.'
    'So Farrell can sit it out for as long as it takes?'
    'Interpol has been looking for Chernoff for close to two decades without any luck. I think she knows what she's doing.'
    'Well, now she's got the FBI interested.'
    'They've been interested for quite a long time, but that's another story. Here's the thing, T. K. We've got two FBI agents on the ground in Hamburg. They were in Barcelona interrogating Farrell's girlfriend and flew to Hamburg as soon as they heard about the near-miss. I'm guessing they're feeling a little over their heads at the moment, especially as neither of them speaks German. I went through a friend at State and arranged to give them some help.'
    Jane passed behind him as he studied the naked breast of a Madonna placed a bit too close to the shoulder - medieval erotica.
    'The best possible situation would be if the Germans keep Farrell. We raise a fuss, kick and scream, and Farrell doesn't see an American courtroom for ten-to-fifteen years. By then I'm retired and you've been shot to death by a jealous husband. Trouble is once the Germans understand how flimsy this indictment is, they're going to cooperate just to watch the show.'
    The pretty girl walked into the room, and Jane said, 'We're out of time. Get with Dale Perry in Hamburg.'
    'I know Dale.'
    'I know you do. I introduced the two of you, remember?' Malloy tipped his head. In fact Jane had sent

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