The Blinding Light

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Book: The Blinding Light by Renae Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renae Kaye
of organic chemistry and I became interested in why the same perfume could be applied to two different subjects—in other words two different women—and they would smell different. So I started doing research on it, hanging out at the perfume house and asking a whole bunch of questions. They realized I had a skill and put me on their payroll.”
    “So why does it smell different on two different women?” I was really interested.
    He just laughed at me. “It took me two years to write my thesis on the subject and you think I can sum it up for you in two sentences?”
    “You have a doctorate?”
    “Yes. You may call me Doctor Stanford if you want.”
    “Nah. The mister one is bossy enough as it is.” We laughed together. I was getting hooked on that sound.
    We lingered over breakfast until it was nearly nine o’clock. I found him easy to talk to and I could’ve chatted all morning. Finally I said, “Okay. I’ve got to get to work now. What are you planning on doing today? Bed? TV?”
    He seemed unsure. “Umm…. You don’t mind me in the house while you work?”
    “Of course not. It’s your house. As long as you don’t tramp mud through the house just after I’ve mopped the floor, it’ll be fine. And you watch out too. I’ll be vacuuming and I have to move the furniture around to vacuum under it. Just remember to keep an eye open if you hear me vacuuming in a room you need to go in.”
    It was a poor joke, but his lips twisted anyway. “I’ll keep two eyes open.”
    He disappeared into his study, and I whistled while I worked. The hands of the clock flew around and before I knew it he was back. He coughed discreetly to get my attention while I was polishing the sideboard. “Coffee?”
    I jumped up. “Hey. No problem. Tell me how you want it and I’ll bring it to you. You should’ve said something earlier, mate. Do you need some honey and lemon tea instead?”
    He waved me back. “No. I’ll make it. I meant do you want a coffee while I’m making mine?”
    “No, man. I couldn’t do that. It’s your coffee and you’re paying me to work, not to sit around and sip beverages.”
    Patrick unhappily narrowed his eyes in my direction. His gaze was slightly off-center, but I was getting used to that. His hands went to his hips and drew my attention to that gorgeous part of his body. I swallowed and tried to keep my erection from growing. He huffed and said, “Fine. I’ll put it another way. Your employer, Dr. Patrick Stanford, requires you to sit with him on the front veranda and keep him company while he drinks his coffee. Whether you drink coffee or water while you’re completing this task is completely irrelevant to him, but he requires your presence and your conversation. Now are you going to complete this task with accuracy, or do I need to ring Mrs. West?”
    I pretended to think about it. “Will Dr. Stanford write it on one of his bossy notes so I can put it through the scan-and-read machine?”
    His lips twisted as he half frowned and half smiled. “You do that with my notes?”
    “Oh, absolutely. It’s the way I get the most joy out of them.”
    A full blown smile stole across his features and I lost any hope of keeping my erection under control. “Funny. You are very funny. Now how do you take your coffee?”
    We sat together on the veranda in gentle companionship. Patrick had wonderful white wicker chairs with deep cushions that you just sank into when you sat down. The spring sunshine was filtering through the trees and there was nary a breeze, just a beautiful calm to the world. I sighed and looked at the view across the road from his home. “Mate, you’re missing out on a wonderful view from your house.”
    Patrick cocked his head slightly and asked, “How so?”
    I stuttered, trying to explain myself without offending. “I mean that you have a great view and it’s a pity you’re blind and can’t see it. It doesn’t matter to you whether you’re looking over at a river view

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