The Binding

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Book: The Binding by L. Filloon Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Filloon
closer to Tharin, which makes Mellis’ already large grin grow even larger. I look up to find Tharin watching me with that annoyed look back on his face. So we’re back to that are we? It’s okay to be pleasant to one another when we’re alone, but not in front of others. I step back from him as he moves away and walks pass Mellis. Mellis step s up and stands beside me, both of us looking after Tharin as he heads toward a door that opens to the side of the house.
    “Don’t worry about our fearless leader there,” Mellis says as he folds his arms, “he’s not really the social type.”
    “So I’ve come to know . ” I reply.
    Well, it’s just not me who thinks that our “ f earless l eader” is a rude jerk. Mellis shoots me a look and I’m embarrassed he can read me so easily. He winks at me in response and I can’t keep from laughing at his audaci ty .
    “You and I,” he s ays, “are going to get a long just fine. Com e on.” He leads me to the side of the SUV and starts the introductions.
    “This is Alorn. He ’ s my first cousin on my mother’s side.” Mellis is compact and lean, while Alor n has a little more muscle bulk, broader and is taller than his cousin. He does not share Mellis’ sunny disposition. He greets me with a curt nod, looking me over closely, particularly my ears. I’m startled when he reaches out and touches my right ear and scrutinizes it for several seconds before he let s his hand drop. He looks me over a second time, makes a small nod of his head and then turns back to what he was doing without a word.
    I stand staring at his back. Like Mellis and Tharin, he wears a black beanie that covers his ears. In fact, as I look at Mellis and the other elf , they a re all wearing black beanies and t hey all have long sandy hair. They ’ re athl etic looking and tall, and they a re all young. I refocus on Mellis when I realize he’s talking to me again.
    “…around women, so pay him no mind. Alorn doesn’t say much to anyone, including me , and I ’ m his favorite cousin!” He gives me that contagious smile of his. I can’t help but smile back. He leads me next to the third elf who is bulkier with more muscle mass than Alorn . He must be seven feet tall, but I know that’s wrong. He can’t be more than an inch , maybe two, taller than Tharin. He’s not massive like those body builders you see in the m uscle m agazine s , but he definitely has more mass on him than the others . Maybe that’s why he looks taller than the rest. He’s intimidating looking , too .
    “This big guy here is Phoris, first cousin on my father’s side , ” offers Mellis , as he slaps Phoris on the arm.
    I stare up at Phoris and slowly lift my hand in a small wave as a greeting.
    “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess.” His voice is soft, belying his bulk, and his eyes are gentle. His politeness and the softness of his voice put me at ease instantly. I smile back at him.
    “Please,” I say, “it’s just Lily. My name is Lily.”
    The big man cocks his head to one side and then his face is like a golden sunrise as he smiles back at me. I find myself smiling even broader at him. He reaches for my ear, this time the left one. For someone his size, his touch is gentle and soft. I barely feel his fingers trace my ear. Then he let s his hand drop and steps back. The look he gives me is apologetic and with a shy smile, he bows his head and return s to what he was doing.
    “As you can see, the big guy’s a teddy bear,” says Mellis, “but I’d have that big teddy bear at my side in any fight. Trust me, I sleep better at night.”
    “Do you get in a lot of fights?” I ask.
    “Oh, on an occasion or two, you know how it goes.”
    I laugh, “No, no I don’t.”
    The garage door open s and as I adjust my eyes to the morning light, I hear Juli a ’s voice. When I’m able to make out the scene before me, I stand stun ned . Tolan is standing in front of another SUV with his fists

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