The Billionaire's Terms: Prison Or Passion

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Book: The Billionaire's Terms: Prison Or Passion by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
least, she hoped she wasn’t lying. Was her license taken away? The thought made her heart skip several beats but she forced the panic aside. If that was the case, she’d deal with it later. Tonight wasn’t the time or place to worry about that.
    “Interesting! I studied accounting in college one semester,” he said, shaking his head. “Never could understand all those debits and credits. Too much adding and subtracting. I always came up with the wrong answer.”
    The people slowly filtered back to the table but the ladies didn’t take their old seats. As everyone shifted, Alicia found herself with Richard on one side of her and Adam on the other. Adam glared at her during the rest of her conversation with Richard, even though his wife was sitting right next to him, laughing and joking about the renovations on their kitchen and the issues surrounding the of feeding four children with no stove or refrigerator.
Once coffee was served, Adam stood up next to her. “Let’s dance,” he said and took Alicia’s hand without waiting for a reply.
    Alicia almost didn’t stand up with him but the look in his eyes told her he wanted her to challenge him. She decided not to give in to him and cause a scene. But she stood stiffly in his arms as he guided her across the ballroom.
    “Anger won’t work, my dear,” he said and pulled her closer to his body. “Nor will enticing Richard with that delectable body of yours. He doesn’t have enough money anyway but he won’t leave his wife for you.”
    “What on earth are you talking about?” she asked, trying to pull out of his arms. She understood he was accusing her of something but wasn’t sure exactly what she might have done wrong in his eyes. “Richard is a very nice person and I’m completely aware that he’s married.”
“Yes. I’m glad you picked up on that.”
Alicia rolled her eyes. “How could I not have picked up on that little piece of information when I sat next to his wife all evening?”
    His anger seeped through the pleasant façade he’d been projecting. He gritted his teeth while saying, “Then you know that they are a great couple. So don’t try and break them up just to save your own skin. He’d never be able to pay off your debt to me so just forget about it.”
Alicia gasped, horrified at what he was implying. “Are you saying I was flirting with Richard?” she demanded, wishing he would release her hand so she could slap him.
“Weren’t you?”
    “Absolutely not!” she spat out at him. “They are a very nice couple and, unlike you, I take people at face value. All they talk about is their kids and I could easily tell that they are very dedicated to each other. It is nice to know there are normal couples out there that don’t see the world and the people in them as simple dollars signs. You have a very warped view of the world, Adam.” She looked away, not wanting for him to see the hurt in her eyes caused by his accusations. Alicia couldn’t believe that Adam had misinterpreted a simple, pleasant conversation as flirtation with another man.
“Just tell me you weren’t thinking of having Richard replace me once we’re through.”
“No!” she snapped, furious with him for believing such an awful thing. “You’re awful.”
    There was a long silence and Alicia could feel his eyes looking at her features but she refused to look at him. She pretended to watch the other dancers but couldn’t really focus on them since she was too busy trying to keep the tears at bay. How could he think she was so low? Well, to give him credit, he didn’t really know her. All they had between them was sex. Great sex, she corrected. Well, actually, mind blowing sex. Even someone with her limited experience knew that. But that didn’t mean she liked the way he treated her.
“I’m sorry,” he said, sighing deeply.
    Alicia blinked, sure she’d heard him incorrectly. He’d been quiet for so long, she’d assumed that they’d simply

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