The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride

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Book: The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride by Lisa Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Weaver
me he’s delighted to see what he can do for us.”
    “I’m impressed. How is it you’re on drop-by-for-a-visit-anytime terms with one of the shining stars of the fashion world?”
    “He was in a bit of a financial jam a few years back, and I lent a hand,” Rafe shrugged, ringing the doorbell. “He made me promise I’d call on him if I ever needed anything in return.”
    “ Bonjour ,” the handsome French designer welcomed, opening the door to them.
    “ Bonjour ,” Rafe smiled, shaking the man’s hand. “It’s good to see you again Paul.” Wrapping an arm around Lauren’s waist, Rafe drew her in close to his side. “I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Lauren.”
    The designer’s astute gaze swept over her in a thorough head-to-toe appraisal. “ Très belle ,” he pronounced, taking her hand and raising it to his lips. “It’s lovely to make your acquaintance.”
    “And it’s an honor to meet you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to see us.”
    “I’m delighted to be of service. Viens avec moi . Come with me. I have just the gown to do your beauty justice.”
    Standing in the midst of a veritable sea of fabulous dresses, Lauren decided Paul DeChamps was positively brilliant. He had a gift for meshing fabrics, garment lines, and colors to create one-of-a-kind masterpieces. Considering his talent and charisma, it was no wonder he was the heartthrob of the fashion world.
    Seeing her eager perusal of the fashions, he held up his hand and shook his head. “None of these, ma chère . They are merely rough-cut stones. For you, I have a diamond in mind.”
    He disappeared into a cavernous walk-in closet and reappeared moments later holding a garment bag, a look of triumph on his face. “I knew this gown would have its moment.”
    Unzipping the bag, he removed the dress with a flourish. Even on the hanger it was easy to see it was exquisite. The design melded timeless elegance with a splash of daring. It was temptation captured in flashy red silk.
    “Wow,” she murmured, awed.
    “Go ahead and try it on,” he encouraged. “The dressing room is on your right.”
    Moments later she stared at her reflection in amazement. The elegant mermaid-style gown accented her slender figure to perfection, its cut making the most of her subtle curves. The daring shade wasn’t one she would have picked herself, but it worked. The color brought out highlights in her hair she hadn’t known existed.
    Making a final adjustment to the gown’s softly draped cowl neckline, she took a deep breath and stepped out of the dressing room.
    Anxious to gauge Rafe’s reaction, she searched his face. She found his approval reflected there in spades in the darkening of his beautiful eyes and the affected leap of the pulse at his jaw.
    “It’s perfect,” he pronounced, his husky murmur sending a wave of heat coursing through her.
    “ Absolument ,”the designer concurred. “As is your lady. She is positively breathtaking. If you hadn’t already snagged her, I’d have to claim her for my own.”
    Rafe told himself the poker-hot sensation that lanced through his gut with all the burn of pure battery acid couldn’t be jealousy. Why should it matter to him if the handsome French designer found Lauren attractive? And yet he couldn’t deny that Paul’s remarks got his hackles up. He tamped down the urge to wrap his hands around his friend’s neck and wipe the flirtatious smile from his face. “Then it’s a good thing I found her first,” he drawled, his tone warning the man he was straying into dangerous territory. “Thank you, Paul. I’ll take the dress.”
    Paul turned his attention back to Lauren, biting back a grin at his friend’s newly developed possessive streak. Hard to blame him. The woman was enchanting. “Wear your hair down and keep your jewelry to a minimum,” he advised her. “You already compliment the gown perfectly. There’s no need to get fussy with accessories.”
    With the gown

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