The Best of Fools (Jane Austen Book 2)
    "What if it's broken?"
    "It's not. It's just smashed."
    "Smashed? Into a billion broken pieces? It looks really bad."
    I brushed by hair. "Bathroom. I need a pillow to scream into."
    "Afraid you won't find that on the toilet."
    "Right." I cringed. "What should I do then?"
    "Um, seek medical attention?"
    "No insurance."
    "I have some arnica."
    "Quack sugar pills?"
    "If you say so."
    I brushed by her. "Ibuprofen."
    "If you say so."
    I sat in the bathroom only to realize that I was sitting, fully clothed, on an open toilet seat that gladly soaked my tunic as it draped down into the water. I took a deep breath and whispered to myself, "This is seriously the worst best day ever."

    The ibuprofen helped me get through the party, but by the time everyone left I was about to fall on the floor and cry myself to sleep. Thing is ... I didn't sleep. Couldn't sleep. I took as much as ibuprofen as I could and still couldn't close my eyes without seeing bright dots flashing in my eyelids. The sound of Zoe giggling woke me up in the morning. Not that I had been sleeping. Just rolling around on my bed, twisting the covers around my face, and contorting my body into all sorts of strange positions that somehow eased the pain for a millisecond.
    So, I guess what I mean is her giggle made me realize that I made it to another dawn. And if I didn't get my toe checked out soon, I'd never make it to another.
    Mom texted me. Everything okay? You seemed unusual last night.
    I decided to be honest. Think I broke my toe or at least smashed it into pieces.
    Well, go to the ER then. Can you drive?
    I think I can. But I don't have insurance.
    You're still on our insurance. We aren't canceling it until you set up your own plan.
    I shoved my phone in my purse and limped as I ran to the door, then limped back to get my flip flops on. And back to the door while yelling, "The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.”
    Batman. Ever-inspiring.
    This was cause for rejoicing.
    I didn't lose a toe after all.

Chapter 10
    I never thought I'd say this, but I actually dreaded when Donovan came over. It became one of those things where he sorta morphed into this other being when he was around Zoe. An obnoxious being. And no, I'm not just being mean here. I admit I can be a little cynical and meanish, but this is just reality.
    I made myself comfortable on my new couch, elevated my foot, took my pain meds, and sketched some jacket designs while Donovan and Zoe watched a movie all cuddled on the other couch. That's normal. I'm totally okay with cuddling. What starts to creep me out is when girls or guys snap their fingers and their partners jump to serve them. It's nice and all to sacrifice for each other, but the keyword there is "each other," okay? That means both people jump to serve each other.
    Not so with Don. Zoe this. Zoe that. She wanted a drink, he got it. She wanted an Oreo, he went out and bought some. She wanted milk, he bought a freaking cow.
    Pen to paper, I watched Zoe out of the corner of my eye as she started moving her shoulders around. Then she rubbed her neck. Wait for it, wait for it....
    "My back hurts so bad," she said. I knew it. Called that one a mile away.
    And next, the inevitable....
    "Want me to massage it?" Donovan said as expected.
    She'd deny it at least once. And ... action!
    "Oh, you're sweet, but you don't have to do that."
    "No, I want to. I don't mind."
    "No. It's okay." Oooh. A double denial.
    "Come on. Turn over."
    "Are you sure?"
    "Of course he's sure," I said. "Just turn over already."
    They stopped and looked at me.
    I looked at my paper and shrugged. "Just trying to help move things along here."
    "Don't be jealous because you have no one to rub your back for you," Zoe said.
    I pointed my pencil toward her. "Pegged me."
    "Okay," Donovan interjected. "Calm down."
    "I'm calm," I said as I drew another pocket on the jacket design.
    "Ugh." Zoe flipped over to her stomach,

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