The Bear Next Door (Forbidden Shifters Book 1)

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Book: The Bear Next Door (Forbidden Shifters Book 1) by Vanessa Devereaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Devereaux
hands slid down to my mound while he playfully bit into my neck. He glided one
hand between my thighs. Jon inched his finger through my pubic hair and rested
it on my clit.
tried to play hard to get to add to his fun, but as he went to work on me and
sent zings of electricity through my belly, I had to give in and parted my
legs. He slid his finger into my pussy.
you’re hot and ready this morning,” he mumbled into my ear.
was right. Usually it takes at least a couple of minutes of Jon stroking my
clit to get me this slick.
obviously turn you on. I’ll have to remember that.”
licked my shoulder blade while thrusting his finger gently inside me. I spread
my legs apart farther, raised my bottom up toward him, leaned over slightly,
and placed my hands on the windowsill, bracing for what was to come.
watched my neighbor wipe sweat off his chest as Jon’s cock slid into me. I
almost moaned. I’d be thinking how big and long the bear shifter’s cock was and
how quickly it would take him to send me over the edge. I’d probably be gone in
placed both of his hands on my breasts as he started to thrust. I lifted my
bottom up even higher as Jon slid his hands around to the front of my hips. He
pounded harder, his thighs slapping into my butt.
looked out the window as I gripped its sill tighter, hoping the werebear hadn’t
headed indoors. Nope, he was now sitting in a chair with his legs wide apart. I
licked my lips while focusing on his crotch. There was quite the bulge there.
I’d heard a rumor that the shifters had cocks twice as big and long as the
non-shifter males. Fuck, the Alliance and their once bigoted ban? I pretended
it was the werebear’s cock and not Jon’s that was now deep inside me. For all I
knew this was as close as I was ever going to get to being fucked by one.
    I felt
my climax coming on. Not the slow build that usually signifies I’m about to
orgasm, but this was like running at full speed.
was all it took for me to go over the edge. I’ve never needed to use fantasy
during sex but I was pleasantly surprised just how well it worked. It was a
great orgasm. My pussy quivered. My legs shook and I held on to the sill as I
sensed Jon was on the brink of ecstasy too. He hugged me close and kissed the
back of my neck as he found his release.
watched the shifter just to see if he was reacting. I knew their hearing was
ten times better than ours. Had he heard my groan? And I’d read that like real
bears, their sense of smell is a hundred times better. Could he detect my
Jon said, sliding out of me. “Your pussy really gripped my cock today.”
turned around and threw my arms around him. In a way, my fantastic orgasm
hadn’t been caused by Jon. I started to feel guilty about what I’d just done to
had a mind-blowing orgasm,” I admitted.
so maybe we should do it this way all the time now.”
I said.
love to give you another one, but I gotta go and pack.”
kissed me good-bye.
going to miss you,” I said.
miss you too, but it’s only for a week. You be good, okay? Don’t work too hard
in the garden.”
walked over to the chair, grabbed his clothes, put them on, and headed out the
should have followed him, waved good-bye to him when his car made its way down
the road, but I didn’t.
    I turned
back to the window. Werebear was gone. Fuck.
I’d head outside and do some gardening for the rest of the day to see if I
could lure him out.

    Chapter Two
dug the same hole for the last hour. It was the piece of ground closet to the
fence with the gap in it. Through it I could monitor the situation and see if
my neighbor came outside again.
    I was
about to give up when I heard his patio door sliding open. I peeked through the
space on the wooden slats in the fence. I swallowed. He was dressed in shorts

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