The Bargain

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Book: The Bargain by Julia Templeton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Templeton
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Historical
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haunted his dreams. Just this morning while he met with his men, his thoughts kept drifting to the night spent in her arms. How sweet her touch had been, setting his blood on fire, making him thirst for more. And he had received more—just moments ago when she'd ridden him in the chair, her lovely green eyes full of passion and wonderment.
    He'd had no inclination to make love to her again so soon, for he knew she must be sore. Yet when she'd come to him, sinking down on her knees, he had been unable to keep his hands to himself. God's truth, he did not think he would ever get enough of her.
    "Laird MacMillan looks like he could run you clean through," Galeran remarked, bringing Renaud out of his thoughts and to the confrontation ahead.
    Galeran did not lie. The laird glowered at him as he approached, a murderous gleam in his eye, but Renaud felt no fear. After all, his men lined the walls of the keep and bailey, ready for him to give the signal to attack. MacMillan and his small band of men would be slaughtered.
    Renaud stopped a few yards shy of the Scottish laird and nodded in greeting.
    "Baron de Wulf."
    "Laird Duncan MacMillan." He puffed out his chest and lifted his chin. "I have come to claim my bride. I demand her release." He demanded?
    Renaud's fingers tightened around the hilt of his sword. How he itched to take the man's head off with a swipe of his blade. "Aleysia and Adelstan are prisoners of the crown, and therefore they will remain at Braemere."
    The Scot flinched, his gaze shifting from Renaud, to the men behind him, and up along the palisade and battlements where archers stood shoulder to shoulder, bows extended and arrows notched. MacMillan's shoulders straightened, knowing he was outnumbered. Renaud could see reservation in the laird's dark eyes when their gazes locked once more. "Do what ye will with Adelstan. I have no doubt your king is thirsty for his blood... but return my betrothed to me."
    Disbelief rocked Renaud. MacMillan did not look at all sorry to leave Adelstan to his fate. In truth, Renaud wondered if that wasn't relief he saw in the other man's eyes. Had the Scot been jealous of the close relationship the twins shared, and therefore wanted Adelstan gone? "Why would you leave Adelstan to his fate?"
    "The lad can stay in your dungeon for all eternity. He has led his sister astray, making her more into a man than the young woman she is. Mayhap with him gone, Aleysia will embrace her feminine ways."
    "Aleysia is as guilty as her brother."
    "Guilty of what?" the Scot asked, his rage evident by the color that stained his cheeks.
    "Attempted murder of a lord of the realm."
    MacMillan's brows furrowed. "My betrothed would ne'er do something so foolish."
    If only he knew what else his betrothed had done.
    "It matters not what you believe, MacMillan. I assure you, however, that Aleysia is guilty of this crime. I have the scar to prove it."
    "No doubt Aleysia did what was necessary to save her life."
    Irritated that the man's words rang true and that Aleysia had made the bargain to save her brother under distress, Renaud unsheathed his sword. "I have already sent word to my king that we have captured Adelstan and his twin. King William will be expecting both. I cannot arrive with only one," he lied.
    "He will marry her to another!" MacMillan yelled, his face turning bright red with anger.
    Everything within Renaud rebelled at that statement. "Nay, he will not, for I will not allow it to happen. If Aleysia marries anyone, it will be me. Return to Scotland, MacMillan. Cawdor's twins are no longer your concern."
    The laird's eyes glittered with hatred and vengeance.
    "I will pay you handsomely if you return her to me." MacMillan motioned for one of his soldiers to come forward. The soldier held a chest, which he opened to display hundreds of gold coins.
    Galeran glanced at Renaud. No doubt it was more money than the young man had ever seen. "I am not interested."
    "What do ye have to gain by keeping

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