The Armchair Bride

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Book: The Armchair Bride by Mo Fanning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mo Fanning
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your secret’s safe with Andy too. I’ve got enough dirt him to make sure he keeps quiet too.’
    ‘That sounds ominous.’
    ‘I’m not a woman to be messed with,’ I say.
    Brian looks terrified.
    ‘Joke,’ I say, and to my surprise he looks quickly away. Almost on cue, a waiter offers menus, takes drinks orders and generally helps disperse what stood every chance of developing into a thoroughly awkward situation.
    ‘Shall we start over?’ I say and my eyes stay fixed on the list of starters. Awkward situation or not, I’m determined to make the most of this. Free lunches rarely come my way and I already suspect this one has strings.
    ‘We are having starters, aren’t we?’ I say.
    Brian puts down his menu and picks at a speck of imaginary dust on his shirtsleeve.
    ‘I’m not having an affair with Nina,’ he says.
    ‘It’s none of my business.’
    ‘What I said on Saturday to Audrey was true.’
    I nod and return to the menu. Five minutes ago I was planning on rack of Cornish lamb with crushed potatoes. Right now I’ll settle for a Pot Noodle to go.
    ‘But if you knew what I’ve been going through, you might understand if I was,’ Brian says.
    ‘Having an affair.’
    The arrival of our drinks offers thinking space. Is it too early to vanish to the ladies’ room to powder my nose? And then detour to the bar for a nerve-settling double vodka.
    ‘Sure, Nina flirts a bit, but that’s all there is to it.’ There’s an edge to his voice. ‘And now Audrey’s made it impossible for her to stay.’
    ‘I see.’
    ‘I don’t know what to do, Lisa.’
    ‘Maybe it will all blow over?’
    ‘You don’t know Audrey at all do you?’
    I feel uncomfortable. Brian and I have never been what you might call close. We exchange jokey emails, photos of dogs in baby clothing and he’s long been my chat buddy at staff parties, but that’s where it ends. I can’t call him a close friend. His position of authority tends to intimidate, if truth be told.
    ‘It wasn’t always like the way it is now,’ he says and I brace myself for what feels like too much information. ‘We used to laugh all the time. She was the life and soul of any party. Everybody loved Audrey…’ He stares into space. ‘Then she lost the baby and had to go into hospital. When she came out, she was a different woman. No chance of having kids any more and she sort of shut down on me. That was nearly sixteen years ago. I stayed with her because I thought one day I might get the old Audrey back, but she turned in on herself, became this character. What is it you all call her? The Rottweiler?’
    I look away a little too late.
    ‘She’s trying to outdo her mother I suppose. You met her the other night. The Hawe women do a nice line in battleaxes.’
    Brian’s personal revelations feel awkward.
    ‘I suppose when Nina came along…’ I say to move things along.
    He slams down his glass looks furious and I fear he might sack me on the spot.
    ‘I told you, there’s nothing going on with Nina.’
    ‘Well even if there was, what you get up to in your own life is really…’
    ‘Lisa, Audrey got hold of the wrong end of the stick.’
    Brian has hold of my hand. I swallow hard and he lets go. Never before have I been so relieved to hear someone ask if we’re ready to order.
    After noting our requests, the waiter discretely moves away. Alone again, Brian continues, this time he sits well back from the table.
    ‘Nina flirts. It’s what she does. If I’m honest, maybe I encouraged her. She’s not a bad-looking woman and I was lonely ...’
    I want to tear off my skin and scrub at my bones with wire wool.
    ‘I’m sorry,’ he says. ‘That all came out wrong. I’m not some sex pest and Nina’s happily married.’
    He hesitates, as if searching for the right words.
    ‘I do care about Audrey. She’s been through a horrible few years. She lived for her father and when he died, she lost the last thing that kept her from

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