The Allotter:The Threads of Destiny

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Book: The Allotter:The Threads of Destiny by Kimberlie L. Faye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberlie L. Faye
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stopped and glanced at him to find him in the bedroom doorway, his large frame engulfing it, as he watched her. She hadn ’t even heard him. She stared at him, from his feet to his head, settling on his eyes, a question in her own. He smiled and pointed beyond the kitchen. 
    “There is a bathroom just beyond the kitchen. There is also a bathroom off of the bedroom you were just in but you seemed to be in quite a hurry to be out of my proximity.”
      Wrinkling her nose at him in defiance, she hurriedly walked past the kitchen, finding the small bathroom. She walked in and locked the door, wondering how she would make heads or tails of her situation. Two extremely attractive men, men who were unreal and out of her league wanted her for something. What that something was, she could not imagine. She stood and turned the hot water on. Splashing her face, she mentally ticked off possibilities of importance. She was a nurse, check. She was intelligent, check. She was independent, check. She was … she was… What was she?
      Staring at her reflection, her eyes were bloodshot and dry. She leaned into the mirror and scrutinized herself. Her pupils dilated at her movement, then equalized. She pulled her bottom lid down on her right eye, then her left. Blowing out a disappointed puff of hair, Evie mentally shook her head and mumbled to herself. I am ordinary, meaning nothing extraordinary, right?
    Opening the bathroom door, she walked out to find Kratos drying his hands off with a towel while water boiled in a kettle on the stove. Two mugs were set on the brown marble counter. Plopping a tea bag into each mug, he glanced up at her.
      “Are you hungry?” he asked as he leaned against the counter, his muscles straining and bunching in response.
      “No, not right now. First, I wanna know everything. Not just cryptic messages and shit. I wanna know why you and that psychopath Sid or whatever it was you called him, think I am so important. Then, I wanna speak to my mother.” She leaned against the far end of the cold marble counter, crossed her arms with defiance, and waited.
       He seemed amused by her bravado. He smirked and shook his head. “Drink some tea while I start from the beginning. I will attempt to tell you as safely as I can.” As he poured the steaming and boiling water into the mugs, he peeked at her.
      “What do you mean when you say ‘safely’ tell me? Why would it be unsafe and to whom would it be unsafe for?” She was disturbed by his statement. He dropped a lump of sugar and a spoon into her tea, poured a splash of milk into it and stirred as he walked over to her. Lifting her hand up and placing the hot cup into it, he pressed his hands gently around hers.
      “Have a seat and we can talk. Ok?” He held her gaze, his head leaning towards hers. She nodded once, stepped back, and walked towards the couch. Sitting on the very edge she startled to see that he was already sitting next to her. She hadn’t even heard his movements. She slid away from him a space. How could he move so fast? He did not acknowledge her discomfort.
      “Have you thought about the idea that you may not be able to handle the truth just yet? You have had a few episodes that were rather dangerous to your health. Why do you think they happened?” His question caught her off guard. She had anticipated truth and answers from him, not questions. She looked into her mug and frowned.
      “You answer my questions with questions? What the hell kind of game are you playing with me?” her voice shook with anger and frustration.
      “It is not a game I play with you. I am trying to ascertain how much information your mind can safely handle right now. That is all I’m doing.” He lifted his hands in the air in a show of surrender then took her hands into his. “Evie, take a hot shower and think about what you want to ask me. You know what questions you can safely ask.” When she was about to shake her head in refusal, he

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