The Accidental Empire: Israel and the Birth of the Settlements, 1967-1977

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Book: The Accidental Empire: Israel and the Birth of the Settlements, 1967-1977 by Gershom Gorenberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gershom Gorenberg
Tags: History, Non-Fiction, Politics, bought-and-paid-for
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the Whole Land of Israel
    N AOMI S HEMER , popular songwriter, creator of “Jerusalem of Gold,” Whole Land advocate
    Settlement Opponents and Critics
    L ATIF D ORI , Mapam party activist
    A RIE E LIAV , Labor Party secretary-general
    O DED L IFSHITZ , member of Kibbutz Nir Oz, organizer of Mapam kibbutzim against expulsion of Sinai Bedouin
    A MOS O Z , novelist, kibbutz member
    Y OSSI S ARID , protégé of Pinchas Sapir, Knesset member
    Arab Political and Cultural Figures
    S ULEIMAN H USSEIN U DAH A BU H ILU , sheikh of a Bedouin tribe in northeastern Sinai
    Y ASSER A RAFAT , leader of Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organization
    H AFIZ AL -A SAD , president of Syria
    H USSEIN IBN T ALAL , king of Jordan
    M UHAMMAD A LI AL -J ABARI , mayor of Hebron
    G AMAL A BDEL N ASSER , president of Egypt
    Z AID AL -R IFAI , adviser to King Hussein, prime minister of Jordan
    A NWAR AL -S ADAT , president of Egypt, succeeding Nasser
    A ZIZ S HEHADEH , Ramallah lawyer, formerly from Jaffa, advocate for a Palestinian state alongside Israel
    R AJA S HEHADEH , son of Aziz Shehadeh; memoirist
    F ADWA T UQAN , Palestinian poet
    United States Officials
    M CGEORGE B UNDY , former national security adviser, special coordinator for Mideast policy (Johnson administration)
    G ERALD R. F ORD , president of the United States 1974–1977
    L YNDON B. J OHNSON , president of the United States 1963–1969
    H ENRY K ISSINGER , national security adviser, secretary of state (Nixon and Ford administrations)
    R ICHARD M. N IXON , president of the United States 1969–1974
    W ILLIAM R OGERS , secretary of state (Nixon administration)
    W ALT W. R OSTOW , national security adviser (Johnson administration)
    D EAN R USK , secretary of state (Johnson administration)
    H AROLD S AUNDERS , National Security Council and State Department expert on the Middle East (Johnson, Nixon, and Ford administrations)
    J OSEPH S ISCO , assistant secretary of state (Johnson, Nixon, and Ford administrations)

    Gush Etzion Archive (Kfar Etzion)
    Hakibbutz Hame’uhad Archive (at Yad Tabenkin Archive, Ramat Efal)
    Hashomer Hatza’ir Archive (Givat Havivah)
    Israel Labor Party Archives (Beit Berl)
    Israel State Archive (Jerusalem)
    Jerusalem Municipal Archive
    Kibbutz Gilgal Archive (Kibbutz Gilgal)
    Lyndon Baines Johnson Library (Austin, Texas)
    Merom Golan Archive (Merom Golan)
    Midreshet Eretz Yisrael—Makhon Reshit (Eretz Yisrael Academy—Keddumim)
    National Archives and Records Administration (College Park, Maryland)
    Ofrah Archive (Ofrah)
    Richard Nixon Library (Yorba Linda, California)
    Yad Levi Eskhol (Jerusalem)
    Yad Tabenkin Archive (Ramat Efal)
    Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies (Tel Aviv)
    Private Papers
    Admoni, Yehiel
    Demant, Prof. Peter Robert
    Gouri, Haim
    Lifshitz, Oded
    Mintz, Avraham
    Moskovic, Moshe
    Oral Histories
    Allon, Yigal: Israel State Archives 154.0/1-19/5001/19-22A. 23 interviews, conducted in 1979 by the Davis Institute of Hebrew University.
    McPherson, Harry: LBJ Library Oral History Collection, Interview VII, Sept. 19, 1985, by Michael L. Gillette.
    Rostow, Eugene V.: LBJ Library Oral History Collection, Dec. 2, 1968, by Paige E. Mulhollan.
    Books and Articles
    Article and book titles are in the original language, with English translations as provided by the publisher. Date citation is by the Hebrew calendar if only the Hebrew year is given. For conversion to Gregorian date, the Hebrew year 5700 began in September 1939.
    Abdul-Hadi, Mahdi. Al-Mustawtanat Al-Israiliyyah Fi Al-Quds Waddifah Al-Gharbiyyah, Al-Muhtallah 1967–1977 (Israeli Settlements in Occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank 1967–1977). Jerusalem: Jamiat Al-Multaqa Al-Fikri Al-Arabi Al-Quds, 1978.
    Admoni, Yehiel. Asor Shel Shikul Da’at: Hahityashvut Me’ever Lakav Hayarok 1967–1977 (Decade of Discretion: Settlement Policy in the Territories 1967–1977). Makhon Yisrael Galili Leheker Hakoah Hamagen/Yad Tabenkin/Hakibbutz Hame’uhad:

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