The Abduction of Julia

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Book: The Abduction of Julia by Karen Hawkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Hawkins
Tags: Romance, Historical
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her entry into society.”
    Alec scowled. “I can do that.”
    The duke’s eyes glinted with amusement. “You, for all your good intentions, have scarcely set yourself up as a model of the
    Alec swallowed his irritation. Lucien was right. He was not the one to offer Julia the advice she needed to navigate the perils of polite society. He had spent too many years avoiding that very path.
    “Perhaps my mother could assist us,” Edmund suggested.
    Lucien shook his head. “Nay, halfling. As much as I revere your esteemed mother, she’d be hard pressed not to blab the whole to her friends.”
    “M’mother is a talker, all right. Often thought that’s what drove my father to the grave. In his prime, he was as hearty as a horse. Mother was determined to—”
    Lucien interrupted. “What we need is someone who knows the importance of being discreet, someone who is already established. Someone who…” He trailed into silence, a frown carving deep lines beside his mouth.
    Alec leaned forward. “You’ve thought of someone.”
    The duke nodded slowly. “There is one person, though it will take much persuasion to win her to our cause.”
    “Who?” asked Edmund eagerly.
    “Lady Birlington.”
    Alec frowned. “Mad Maddie?”
    “ What’s my great aunt have to do with this?” Edmund demanded.
    “If Lady Birlington took Julia under her wing, Therese would never dare sneer at her.” Lucien lifted a brow. “No one would.”
    Edmund rubbed his ear. “Hate to say it, but it’s true. I never could understand it. The old lady’s rude to everyone and half a slipper shy of a pair, if you ask me. Just last week she called the Duke of York a simpleton. Right to his face, too. And when he attempted to remonstrate, she stared down that beak of a nose of hers until he turned purple and started apologizing as if he’d been the one who had—”
    “Lucien, I think you may have something.” Alec rose to take a few quick paces about the room. Lady Birlington was something in Julia’s style. If anyone would know how to teach Julia to get along, it would be she. Alec felt a stirring of hope. “It just might serve. I’ll take Julia to call on Lady Birlington first thing tomorrow.”
    Lucien rolled his cigarillo between his fingertips. ‘There’s one thing you must do first .“
    “What’s that?” asked Alec, suspicious of the humor that curved the duke’s mouth.
    “Buy the chit some clothes. The last time I saw the Frant Dragon, she was wearing a dress made of sackcloth.”
    “Surely Lady Birlington can—”
    “Lady Birlington won’t sponsor her if she thinks Julia can’t carry herself off. The old crow delights in being eccentric, but only so far as it makes her a presence among the
    “And while you’re at it, you really should secure a proper carriage,” added Edmund. “That decrepit box you’ve got will never do if you’re to make a splash.”
    “A splash? Who said anything about making a splash?” protested Alec. He had the feeling his life was beginning to careen wildly out of control. “I just want to get through this next year as quickly as possible and get on with my life.”
    Lucien frowned. “You have to do this thing right, Alec, or you will be playing right into Nick’s hands.”
    Edmund nodded. “You need entry to Almack’s, a presentation at Court, and better lodgings.” He cast a critical gaze around the room. “This is fine for bachelor quarters, but it won’t do for a dinner party. Shouldn’t think you could get more than four, five couples in here at most. And the downstairs is much too small.”
    Alec’s exasperation rose. “Too small for what?”
    “The new servants.”
    It was suddenly difficult for him to swallow. “Why would I want more servants?”
    The duke’s mouth twitched. “Though I know this will pain you, Edmund has a point. My aunt has no less than three personal servants just to keep her clothing in order and dress her hair. Your wife will need

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