The a Circuit

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Book: The a Circuit by Georgina Bloomberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgina Bloomberg
Tags: Fiction, Friendship, Horse Shows, Horsemanship
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asked calmly.
    Zara shot him an irritated look. “You’re the trainer. Aren’t you supposed to tell me ?”
    “It looked to me like you tensed up in anticipation of the depart, and she felt that and took advantage.”
    “I can’t help it. She keeps looking at stuff!” Glancing around, Zara saw a big, lazy-looking bulldog lying just outside the arena fence. “I think she’s scared of the dog.”
    “She’s not scared of the dog,” Jamie replied. “She’s just not listening to you. You have to convince her to listen. Take her around and try again.”
    Grumbling under her breath, Zara did as he said. So far, this lesson wasn’t much fun. She’d expected Jamie to warm her up on the flat for a few minutes, then set up some jumps to see what she could do. She’d been looking forward to trying her new horse over something a little higher. But they hadn’t gone near the jumps yet, focusing instead on boring flatwork.
    The next time around, they got the canter depart. “Nice!” Jamie called. “See, I knew you could do it.”
    Zara rolled her eyes, not sure whether to be pleased or insulted that he was praising her like an up-downer nailing her very first canter. Before they’d gone more than a few strides Ellie spooked, surging in off the rail, popping her shoulder, and totally cutting the corner. This time Zara tried to blame it on the birds flying around up in the beams, but Jamie didn’t seem impressed by that explanation, either.
    “Let’s change directions and try it on the other lead,” he said.
    “But she keeps spooking and being goofy!” Zara exclaimed. “I thought this horse was supposed to be trained. She certainly cost as much as a trained horse.”
    “She’s well trained for her age, but she’s not a machine, Zara.” Jamie’s voice didn’t get any louder, though it took on a steelier edge. “You need to ride her so she knows what you expect of her.”
    Zara dropped her reins on the mare’s neck, pushing her full lips out in a pout, and kicking her feet out of the stirrups. “Maybe you need to get on and school her for me.”
    “You’ll be fine.” Jamie pointed to the rail behind her. “Reverse, please. Make sure she’s pushing from behind at the walk, then ask for the right lead when you pass me.”
    Zara debated throwing a tantrum, but decided it wasn’t worth the effort. Not yet. It was already looking as if Jamie was going to be tougher to handle than her old trainer, who had pretty much let her do whatever she wanted. What was the point of taking a lesson—or riding at all, for that matter—if it wasn’t fun? Pelham Lane might be the best, most prestigious, and winningest show barn in the area. But that didn’t mean it was going to work for her. Jamie did seem to know his stuff, so she figured she’d give him a little longer, see if he chilled out once he got to know her. If not, she’d just have to find a barn with a more relaxed trainer.
    Zara jammed her feet back in her stirrups, gathered up her reins, and nudged Ellie into a walk. For now, she’d go along for the ride and see what happened.

    “Hi, Javier,” Tommi said, poking her head into the feed room. “You seen Jamie?”
    The young groom looked up from mixing feed and smiled. “ Si , he’s in the indoor, Miss Aaronson,” he said.
    “Thanks.” Tommi returned his smile, then headed for the indoor. When she entered, she saw that Jamie was teaching a private lesson. It was the new girl, Zara, riding Ellie through a simple gymnastic exercise. Not wanting to interrupt—and a little curious about the newbie—she leaned against the bleachers and watched the last few minutes of the lesson. Finally Jamie called for a halt.
    “Well done, Zara,” he said. “I think you and Ellie will make a good team with a little work. Let’s quit there for now, okay?”
    As he left the ring, Tommi stepped forward. “Want me to ride Legs today?” she asked him.
    “Hi, Tommi.” Jamie sounded distracted as he checked his

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