Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 7: Upgrades

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Book: Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 7: Upgrades by Ben Winston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Winston
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control we'll need. But I would much rather we try this method before we start cutting on you folks for the sake of experimentation."
    "I understand, Doctor. If I might make a suggestion; give Medical Doctor Christy Cowan a call. She might be able to work up a way, using her nanocytes, to perform the surgery without so much risk to the patient. Also, if implanting the interface is needed, even if just for this testing, I will volunteer," Tul-sa said.
    The doctor smiled. "I had forgotten about the Director's wife! That is a very good suggestion, and one I will look into right away. Thank you Lieutenant. Now, as far as the suit being form-fitting; don't bitch! At least you still have a body worth looking at!"
    Tul-sa wore the suit and a set of transparent virtual reality glasses that let her see through the eyes of the small robot. She was placed in a special area of the lab that lifted her off the floor, but still let her feel like she was standing. She was 'feeling' the floor from the robotic drone. When she moved her legs to walk, she would not move, but the drone did. It was pretty snazzy.
    While Tul-sa worked with the cybernetics folks, we incorporated their data into the virtual model, and it worked really well. In reality, most of the base technology had already been done. All we had to do was incorporate and assemble it. The issues came in with the control and communication systems. We wanted the drones to try to utilize the same form of the quantum contact that the AI could use, but not be on the same 'channel'. It was difficult to create this system, as even the AI hadn't gotten it completely figured out yet.
    One thing was clear though, in order for the drones to use this form of communication and not interfere with the AI, the crystals used for the computer systems would have to be different. Eventually, a new communication system would be built around this technology, but for now it was still in the theory stage.
    The prototype drone came together pretty quickly, allowing me to get the programming and control issues worked through. However, the communications link was still a problem. Sarah and two other AI from local ships began working with the research team to figure out this 'AI state' communications system.
    It took almost two weeks for the AI to get it to work. We had to call in a couple of the more open minded psychologists to assist them. It turned out to function in a way the resembled a form of AI telepathy. That is to say all Sarah had to do to make contact with Athena for example was to focus her 'mind' on the other AI and direct her thoughts accordingly. The reason it was so difficult for the AI to accomplish was because they had difficulty distinguishing 'mind' from 'brain'.
    Our Shallan friend, Freyair, was the one to help Sarah make the first link between AI. Sarah had difficulty understanding the metaphysical aspects of this form of communication since, by current definitions, metaphysics defied logic, and Sarah was a very logical being. Freyair explained to Sarah that it really wasn't a form of metaphysics, but quantum physics. In that context, Sarah began to understand the theory and was able to work it into something usable. Of course, once Sarah got it worked out, it spread quickly to the other AI and within an hour, all AI not only knew how to do it, but began using it almost exclusively. AI efficiency jumped by an order of magnitude as did over-all AI intelligence.
    It was troubling to me how quickly all the other AI picked it up and began using it. What would happen if one of the AI were to be compromised? Because of this breakthrough in AI communications, it seemed to me at least that all the diverse AI became more of a hive mind than single, separate entities.
    This was troubling to me in another way as well; Sarah began to show signs that her personality was beginning to change. No one but me seemed to notice it though, so I kept it to myself for the time being. She was still Sarah after

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