Tell the Truth

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Book: Tell the Truth by Katherine Howell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Howell
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the last year or so.’
    â€˜What about personal things, like her marriage?’ Ella said.
    â€˜From what I’ve seen, there’s nothing to confide. They hardly argue. They always look happy. And he’s often holding her hand. Paul never wanted to hold mine, I can tell you. James is a nice guy. Ask me, she’s lucky.’
    â€˜You sound envious,’ Ella said.
    â€˜No, I just think she’s lucky. How’s James doing? I tried to call him a little while ago but he didn’t answer.’
    â€˜He’s upset,’ Murray said.
    â€˜You and he were in a relationship in your teens, is that right?’ Ella said.
    â€˜Of a sort.’ Marie smiled. ‘Like any sixteen-year-old girl, I thought it was much more than it was. Like any sixteen-year-old boy, he thought it was much less.’
    â€˜So . . .’ Ella said.
    â€˜So to me it was serious and to him it was a bit of fun,’ she said. ‘And fun could be had in many places.’
    â€˜Who broke it off?’ Murray asked.
    â€˜It was never really enough of a thing to be broken off.’
    Ella felt she was taking them in circles. ‘So he was seeing other people and you thought he shouldn’t, then he kept seeing those other people and stopped seeing you.’
    â€˜Yes,’ Marie said. ‘That about sums it up.’
    â€˜Did he and Stacey know each other well back then?’ Murray said.
    â€˜Not particularly. She was only twelve. Still a child. She would’ve barely been on his radar.’
    â€˜So what was it like when they met up again at Rowan Wylie’s place?’ Ella asked.
    Marie shrugged. ‘I wasn’t there.’
    â€˜What did Stacey tell you?’
    â€˜She was laughing, she thought it was funny. After so many years, and who’d’ve thought. They started going out pretty much straight away. Next thing they were engaged, then married. Paris, my daughter, was a bridesmaid.’
    â€˜How did that make you feel?’ Ella said.
    â€˜Happy and proud,’ Marie said with a big smile. ‘For all of them.’
    â€˜So Stacey’s good friends with Rowan?’ Ella asked.
    â€˜They get along well at work, Stacey’s told me that much.’
    â€˜Do they spend time together outside the job?’
    â€˜Sometimes at that kiddies’ playground,’ Marie said. ‘I don’t remember her talking about any other time.’
    Ella nodded. ‘Have you ever felt that Stacey or James might be seeing someone else?’
    â€˜Having an affair?’ Marie looked horrified. ‘No, a million times no. They’re the most loving happy couple I’ve ever seen. It’s wrong to even suggest such a thing.’
    She was protesting a little too much, Ella thought. ‘So you’ve never seen James flirting with anyone, or –’
    â€˜I just said no. Never.’ Her eyes were hard. ‘Neither of them would even consider it.’
    Hmm , Ella thought.
    Murray said, ‘James was trying to think who might have reason to want to hurt Stacey. Do you have any thoughts on that?’
    â€˜There’s a neighbour who yells at her from his house when her dog widdles on his trees, but she never sounded frightened when she mentioned him,’ Marie said.
    â€˜What about someone who might want to hurt James?’ Ella asked.
    â€˜I know there was that anonymous complaint a while back. Stacey said James was pretty stressed and angry over it. Apparently he thought it was some competitor trying to wreck his business. But that’s all that comes to mind.’
    Ella said, ‘Do you know anyone who owns a folding bicycle?’
    â€˜You can get bikes that fold now?’
    â€˜Never mind,’ Ella said.
    There was the sound of a key in the front door and a young woman appeared in the hall. ‘Hey, Mum – oh. Hi.’
    â€˜Paris, is it?’ Ella got to her feet and introduced herself and Murray. ‘Can

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