Taming Alec

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Book: Taming Alec by K. A. Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. A. Robinson
he began to slide into me. He took his time, pushing in inch by inch. I felt an uncomfortable pressure, but there was no pain like I’d expected.
    “I feel like my dick is in a vise.” He said as he grinned down at me. “I’m going to go all the way in, okay?”
    I nodded and gripped his shoulders. “Okay.”
    With one final thrust, he entered me fully. I gasped in pain as I clung to him. My eyes watered, and I fought back the tears desperate to escape. He froze as he allowed my body to adjust.
    “I’m so sorry,” he whispered against my lips.
    “It’s okay,” I whimpered.
    “Tell me when you’re ready for me to move,” he said before kissing me.
    I focused on his lips as the pain slowly disappeared.
    “I’m ready,” I said against his lips.
    The muscles in his arms tensed as he carefully pulled out and pushed back in. I winced at the pain. Noticing my discomfort, he slowed down. I clung to him as the pain started to fade with each thrust. Once it disappeared, I started to relax.
    “I’m okay now,” I said.
    “You sure?”
    “Yeah.” I squeezed his arms, letting him know that I really was.
    He increased his speed bit by bit until he had a regular rhythm. As his pace increased, I raised my hips to meet his thrusts.
    “Faster,” I begged as I held on to him.
    I’d never felt anything like this. It was no wonder my friends had been so obsessed with sex in college. I’d thought they were stupid, but it was clearly me who had been the fool. Then again, I was glad that Alec was my first. With him, it felt right. There was no rhyme or reason behind it. It just was.
    He paused long enough to grab one of my legs before thrusting into me roughly. In this new position, he went deeper. I cried out as sweat broke across my skin. He leaned down and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, never breaking his rhythm. I moaned and dug my nails deeper into his shoulders.
    “You’re so fucking tight. Pure nirvana,” he grunted as he pounded into me.
    I felt myself building again. Seconds later, my body spasmed around him, and I cried out. This was nothing like before. I felt like I could reach out and touch heaven. He increased his thrusts as I came. Finally, his body tensed as he followed right behind me. He shouted my name as he buried his face in my neck.
    When our breathing calmed, he slowly pulled out. I watched with my eyes half-closed as he stood and pulled off the condom. After tying it off and tossing it into the garbage, he turned and walked out of the room.
    Confused, I stared at the doorway. If he left me after that…
    Seconds later, he returned with a washcloth in his hand. He slowly spread my legs and wiped the cloth across my tender skin. He wiped himself off as well before tossing the washcloth in the garbage. I gave him a questioning look.
    He gave me a sheepish grin. “There was, uh…blood.”
    “And you said you weren’t a nice guy.”
    He lifted me up long enough to pull the blankets down before dropping me back onto the bed. I scooted over as he climbed in next to me and pulled the covers over us. I was surprised when he tugged me over to him and wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled into his chest, loving the feel of his skin against mine. I breathed in his scent, memorizing it.
    After a few seconds, I finally found the courage to speak. “That was…good.”
    He chuckled. “I was hoping you thought it was better than good.”
    I ran my finger back and forth across his stomach. “You know what I mean. It was definitely better than good.”
    He kissed the top of my head. “At least I can stop fantasizing about what you look like naked. It was starting to drive me crazy.”
    “Was the real thing as good as your imagination?” I asked.
    “Ten times better.”
    He grabbed my chin and lifted it so that he could kiss me on the mouth. “No going back, right?”
    “No going back. You’re stuck with me,” I teased.
    He pulled me tighter against him. “This is…different.”

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