Taking the Fall

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Book: Taking the Fall by W. Ferraro Read Free Book Online
Authors: W. Ferraro
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decided that it was best to just perhaps close the book on Allison as well. Whether she knew it or not, he would forever link her with the devastation of what occurred with Molly.
    It was two months later when Allison knocked on his door.
    She was pregnant with his child.
    And no matter what reality was his, the planned or the unplanned, everything was about to change.
    He was about to become a father.
    Hunter made Allison and the baby a priority. Rearranging an already chaotic schedule, he was able to join Allison for every prenatal appointment. Hunter wanted to do right by Allison, but things didn’t seem to work out that way.
    By the time Leah was about to turn one, Allison had told him that she had met Garrett Lloyd. Three months later, Allison had a four-karat diamond on her left hand, and she told Hunter that she and Leah were leaving Boston and moving to Burlington, Vermont.
    Hunter thought he knew pain, but nothing compared to the agony of Allison telling him that she was taking their child away from him.
    Almost three and a half hours away, to be exact.
    He had just started his residency at Massachusetts General Hospital, which was one of the busiest trauma centers in the country and completely elite in the prospect of residency openings. It was what he’d worked so hard to achieve and now he had a reason to despise it.
    He had just come off a thirty-six hour shift after seeing more in one night than any doctor should ever see, as he stood in the cold, on the sidewalk of Garrett Lloyd’s Brownstone in Cambridge.
    “You can’t take my daughter away from me like this, Allison! Did you ever even think how I would feel about this?” He remembered the screaming match he had with Allison as he watched the moving truck getting ready to move out.
    There stood Allison, in her full-length fur coat with designer glasses and bag, telling him that he would just have to deal with it. All the while, Leah’s new nanny took a crying Leah to the waiting car, not even letting Hunter have a moment alone to say goodbye to his daughter.
    “Don’t do this Allison, please!”
    “Hunter,” she feigned patience, “this is out of my hands. Garrett made Senior Partner at his law firm. He was given the great opportunity of opening his own office in Burlington and who am I to stand in his way? He didn’t even have time to wait for the house to be packed up; he had to be there yesterday.”
    “I don’t give a shit what he does. His transfer has nothing to do with you taking my daughter out of this city!”
    Now Allison came at him with her claws out. “First of all, it isn’t a transfer, it is his own office. Secondly, I will take my daughter anywhere I see fit. I’m the one who is her full-time caregiver, while you play at being doctor!”
    “Playing? I’m working my ass off to provide for Leah!”
    “Your miniscule income is nothing compared to what I can give her.”
    “You mean what Garrett’s money can give her.”
    She seethed with anger but then she had the smallest smile draw on her face. Making a dramatic project of putting her six hundred dollar leather gloves on, she retorted, “I let you play dad when you can squeeze her in. So, don’t give me the poor Hunter card because it won’t work.” She walked past him to where the waiting car was, and before climbing in and closing the door on him and their conversation, she finished with nothing but malice. “Don’t push this issue, Hunter. It will not end pretty for you. And remember, I’m the one married to a lawyer, so don’t think I am anything but sure how completely within my rights I am, considering you never insisted or signed a formal custody agreement.”
    He listened as Leah wailed in her car seat as they pulled away from the curb and away from him.
    Over the next few years, he had completed his residency and hired on at MGH. He spent as much time in Vermont with Leah as he could, but Allison made it less than easy. He had even tried to find a position

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