Taken: By Her Billionaire Benefactor (Billionaire Benefactor 3)
some clothes if she was supposed to be taking a trip. Although this was all moving very fast…
    She made to close the door, but before she could the driver wedged his foot into the doorjamb.
    "What do you think you're doing?", the driver said, although it was done so with the most perfect manners. Anna was sure that he must have been sent to study at some top finishing school, the way he had so perfectly imposed his authority with such obscene queers politeness.
    "I, I was just going upstairs to get changed". Anna kicked herself, it really had then rather rude.
    "I'm afraid I have rather strict instructions".
    "And what exactly might they be?" Anna was feeling a little more confident now, after all this was hurt earth – not his, and she had every right to close the door if she wanted to! Didn't she?
    The driver seemed not to notice her flailing attempts at authority, and before Anna knew what was going on, he had smoothly stepped through the door. Looking around, he seemed as though he was cataloguing the place, a keen eye roving across all the little knickknacks that Anna had picked up over the years.
    Ever the professional, he didn't make so much as a comment.
    "Excuse me," Anna said, "I asked you what they were". It would be fair to say that she was feeling rather less sure of herself now, a little more on the back foot. This man, even though he might be a driver, seemed to have almost as much power over her as her mysterious Master.
    "Don't worry, I was getting to that. It's just, it's a little cold outside and – well I didn't want to attract any more attention than necessary".
    That's all well and good, Anna thought, but the 15 foot limousine parked outside was probably not going to go unnoticed in this neighbourhood!
    As she was thinking this indignant stream of thoughts, half minded to protest once more, she heard a crinkling of paper behind her, and while she didn't want to turn and give this man the satisfaction of knowing that he had piqued her curiosity, she couldn't help but give into it.
    As she turned, she saw him proffering an envelope. She couldn't help but notice the impressive width of his wrists as they protruded slightly from his perfectly pressed white cuffs.
    "With compliments", the driver said as he offered the letter to her, "I think this will answer all of your questions".
    Anna took the envelope wordlessly, and once again was shocked by the slightest details. This was certainly not the kind of envelope you'd use for air mail… The paper was heavy, and textured. Anna rubbed her fingers over it, caressing it and marvelling. She had never felt anything like it – silly as that sounded. It was luxurious, how could something so simple as paper feel so wonderful?
    Her name was embossed in recessed black lettering on the front, the only speck of colour that she could see on the whole perfect envelope. Anna almost didn't want to open it, it felt like the kind of thing that should be in some kind of museum!
    Noticing the driver's waiting gaze, she shook her head to clear the thoughts and picked up a knife that was lying on an old sandwich plate.
    Shit! Now that she really looked around, she saw how much the mess this place was. In her defence though, she hadn't really expected visitors! She used it to slit open the envelope, and was once more surprised as she felt the resistance it gave, the kind of resistance that you definitely normally wouldn't find on something as flimsy as an envelope…
    Inside was a letter on precisely the same heavy, creamy paper, on which was written a short note in the most gorgeous hand crafted calligraphy, noted down in blue Fountain pen ink.
    Dearest Anna,
    I understand that this will all come as quite a surprise. I must ask that you trust me, as you have already so many times before, even in the short time that you have known me.
    I believe that though you may feel nervous now, what I have

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