then don’t drink. It’s so tragic. That’s one thing I love about Rhiannon. She’s straight-edge and doesn’t care who knows, because she’s proud of it.
Scanning the crowd for Rhiannon, I find her standing near the wall looking sad. I try to remember the last time she didn’t look sad and I can’t. And I can’t believe Steve dumped her like that and didn’t even tell her why. Who does that? But unfortunately for Ree, you can’t argue your way into someone liking you again when they just announced that they don’t anymore. It’s over for them, so it has to be over for you, even though it’s so not. I never used to get this, but after I broke up with Danny, everything was crystal.
I walk over to Ree and think about what I can say to make her feel better. Not to be shallow at a time like this, but her outfit rocks. She has the coolest sense of style anywhere. It’s like she doesn’t have “good clothes” and “bad clothes” categories, because all her clothes are hot. She has these retro orange-and-brown-striped pants and about three hundred jelly bracelets and an orange shirt that says CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’. Her bag has three pins—the fox from The Little Prince , John Lennon in his New York City tee, and one that says LOOK CLOSER. It’s a whole different look from the party outfit I am currently working, which is my black knee-high biker boots (the ones with all the buckles and three-inch heels), shiny red vinyl micro-mini, and Hello Kitty tee. But you know. They both work for different reasons.
So I ask Ree where James is and he’s getting a drink. And she looks so sad and lonely, and I hug her. And then she asks me if her eyes look red, and they’re totally bloodshot but I tell her they’re fine and that she looks gorgeous as always. Which is true.
She’s like, “Can you believe this place? What do Keith’s parents do again?”
And I’m like, “I think his dad works with Donald Trump.”
Ree says how that’s so typical. And then I’m preparing for another rant about Steve and how lacking he is, but Ree’s not like that. Ree’s like how she wants to get Steve back.
Danny passes by but doesn’t come over, and I can feel him watching me from all the way over there.
Ree notices and goes, “How’s the let’s-just-be-friends thing going?”
I go, “Nowhere. It’s impossible for a boy and a girl to just be friends.” Ree smirks so I add, “Okay, except for you and James.”
And she’s all, “So it is possible.” But I’ve never believed that Rhiannon and James are just friends. They have to like each other more than that. Even if they don’t want to admit it.
So I say, “Are you seriously telling me that you’ve never . . .”
“Didn’t you ever want to get with him?”
And she’s like, “James? No way! He’s like my brother or something.” And then she does this shudder thing, but I’m not entirely convinced. Plus James is her type—she goes for the smart boys with glasses.
So I go, “But he’s mad cute.”
And she’s like, “Yeah, but . . . no. See? You can be friends with a boy as long as you’re not attracted to him.”
“But you just said he’s cute.”
“No, you said he’s cute.”
“But you agreed.”
Rhiannon just stands there scratching her arm. Then she says how Keith just asked her out and I’m like, “You waited this whole time to tell me?”
And she’s all, “Yeah because it’s not like I’m ever going out with him.”
And I’m like, “Are you crazy?” Because just look at this place. I have two words for you: rooftop pool. In downtown Manhattan. Some seriously sick stuff. Not that stuff is what’s important in life. But I definitely wouldn’t mind kickin’ it with this caliber of stuff for a while, if you know what I mean.
Sheila comes over and goes, “I’m going up to see the pool. Want to come with?” And I’m about to say let’s go but then I see Danny coming over. It would be mega rude to walk
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