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Book: Synergy by Jamie Magee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Magee
Tags: General Fiction
the images of the boys that I intended to save. We were in the field again, but almost instantly trees sprang from the ground, creating a dark forest all around us.
    I heard music, Draven’s music. It was loud, so loud that I knew Madison wouldn’t be able to hear me. I squeezed Madison’s arm to get her to follow me, and we moved from tree to tree, trying to find the source of it and stay hidden in the shadows. 
    Just as we moved around another massive tree, Bianca appeared in front of me. Anger boiled in my skin as I thought of a weapon, and with that thought, a knife appeared in my hand.
    “You really are an idiot, aren’t you?” Bianca scuffed.
    “Me?! You’re the girl that won’t die,” I rebutted.
    She crossed her arms as her eyes moved to Madison. “Here’s a news flash: you may want to stay out of here for a while.”
    “Why is that?” Madison said as she looked to the ground. Once again, she’d created a devil’s trap under Bianca.
    Bianca didn’t bother to look down. “Let’s just say it’s not a good place for Scorpios with green eyes...besides, I might get bored if someone else kills you. I rather like this game we’re playing.”
    “It’s not a game,” I said, drawing her attention back to me. “Who did you take, and why?”
    “Charlie, is it Draven? No. So why do you care? You proved yourself. He’s with you. Bla h blah blah – soul mates. Back away and let me live my life.”
    “Do you think I’m going to let you hurt someone else? Do you think I’m going to let you gain power over this R ealm? Think again.”
    Bianca moved her head from side to side. “So naïve, Charlie. I’m not your enemy.” She looked down at the pentagram she was standing in the center of. “And I’m not a demon.” She stepped out of the circle just to mock me and Madison.
    “Trust me, you’re my enemy,” I said, glaring at her.
    “More like a distraction,” Bianca said as she grinned.
    I glared. “Where’s Draven? Who were those boys you have?”
    “Have we lost our boyfriend? Why do you care who I have?”
    “I care because it’s wrong.”
    “How is it wrong? How do you know they don’t want to be with me?”
    “Then show them to me. Let me hear them say that.”
    Bianca laughed out loud. “I don’t think so. Besides, I think your afternoon is booked.” And with those words, she vanished.
    All around me, I heard whispers mingling within the music that was still playing around us.
    “Screw these trees. We need to see what’s coming,” Madison said, and with her words the trees fell into the ground. At first the only light around me came from my butterflies, which were resting across the ground and lingering near me, but then an orange moon began to shine, and in that moonlight I saw shadowed images moving toward us. My butterflies tried to move from their path, but some didn’t get away; the images would grab them and they would fade. At first it made me mad that they were hurting something so beautiful, but then I started to feel weak; that fleeting feeling I’d had that morning was coming back to me.
    I yelled, “Draven!” as loud as could. I didn’t see him. It was just a reflex. I wanted him to help me stop what was going on.
    “We have to wake up!” Madison yelled as I swayed at her side and she tried to balance me.
    “I’m not leaving without them,” I mumbled.
    I focused on my butterflies, and with a thought I called them to me. On command, they all rose from where they were across the ground and soared into my chest. My eyes grew wide as I told myself that this was like a dream and that it was no big deal. As the butterflies ascended into my soul I found my balance again. I found my strength.
    A second later, Draven appeared in front of me.
    “Is it really you?” I asked before I embraced him.
    “I love you, Charlie.”
    A smile echoed in my eyes. The shadows couldn’t say that word.  Escorts that give in to their nature couldn’t say that word either. It was

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