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Book: Sworn by Emma Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Knight
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going to be in BIG trouble. Not only was she going to be late, but she would also come into her house smelling of smoke.
    Rachel looked at the orange-lighted clock on the dashboard: 12:08.
    BUZZ. Rachel felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Rachel hoped that if she didn’t open it that it would just go away. 12:12 Buzz, another buzz. Rachel flipped open her phone and held the screen away so that Jen and Emily couldn’t read it.
    2 New Messages:
    Rachel didn’t know what to respond. They were still a good 45 minutes from home and stuck in Friday night city traffic.
    Rachel: Long story, I’m on my way, 45 minutes. I’ll explain.
    Dad: We need to talk. You’re in trouble, missy.
    Rachel put her phone back in her bag and sunk down into her seat. She didn’t know what was worse: being stuck in that car, or what she would face when she got home. She hated this night and wished it had never happened.

    Chapter Seven
    As the car finally rolled into the driveway the clock read 1:23am. Rachel saw her parents standing in the window, looking outside.
    “Bye Rach, I’ll text you tomorrow, maybe we can go to the movies, you have your ID!” Emily said.
    “Uh huh, have a good night,” Rachel said.
     The second she entered her house, she heard her parents’ voices.
    “Rachel, come here right now!” her dad said.
    “Coming,” Rachel replied.
    Rachel approached her parents who were red with anger. They looked tired and mad, and Rachel had never seen them quite like this before. She was scared.
    The three walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.
    “What happened?” her mom said.
    “I um, lost track of time.” Rachel said trying to get out of the punishment that awaited her.
    “The movie ran over, and then Taryn wanted to stop by a friends house: I couldn’t say no.”
    “What do you mean you couldn’t say no? Who’s house was it anyway?” Rachel’s dad replied.
    “Jessica, my other new friend,” she replied quickly.
    “You are two and a half hours late, do you realize that? Your mother and I were worried sick.”
    “I’m sorry. I said I was sorry. I don’t know what else you want.”
    “You are grounded. No TV, radio, or hanging out with friends for the rest of the weekend. You need to think about what you did tonight,” said Rachel’s dad.
    “And no more riding with that girl Taryn, she is clearly bad news,” said Rachel’s mom.
    “She is not. She’s a nice girl, what do you know?” Rachel screeched.
    “That’s enough out of you! Get to your room!” her dad said.
    As Rachel got up from the couch and walked past her parents and headed for the stairs, her dad said, “Get back here.”
    Rachel slowly walked near him.
    “Come here, he said, “closer,”
    “Were you smoking?”
    “NO!” Rachel said.
    “You smell like an ashtray, do you smell that?” Rachel’s dad said.
    “Rachel, tell us the truth, were you smoking?” Rachel’s mom asked again.
    “I am telling you the truth, I wasn’t smoking.”
    “It was probably your new friends. They’re bad influences on you. You need to find new friends,” her mom said.
    Furious, Rachel turned and headed upstairs. She knew her parents didn’t believe her, but the funny part was she didn’t smoke. At least that wasn’t a lie. Rachel felt guilty for lying to her parents, but if they found out that she had gone into NYC, she would have been grounded for life, not just the weekend. Rachel was also mad because she knew that tomorrow (well, today) was her big date with Rob and she didn’t want to miss it, or miss the first party of the year. This was turning into a real disaster.
    Exhausted, she took off her Nirvana tee and slid under the covers. Rachel feel asleep quickly, forgetting to write in her journal for the first time since she began back in 7 th grade.
    Rachel woke up the next morning feeling groggy and exhausted. Her late night was all a blur as she

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