Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17
which it threw around the other
ostrich’s neck. Both women screamed again and jumped off their
mechanical mounts which galloped away, side by side taking the
singing, penis-wielding, rainbow bear with them.
    “ Wow,” Frankie muttered, staring at the screen. “That is the
weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s like someone filmed a bad acid
    Xirnah sniffed. “Actually that was a very important vid-piece by Jeir Meisner. But I wouldn’t
expect you to understand. The
subtleties of it fly right past the Kindred mind.”
    Frankie frowned. There it was again—the use of the word Kindred in a derogatory way. What
did this woman have against the Kindred, anyway? Frankie herself
didn’t really dislike them. Even though she had no wish to be
married to one, she didn’t think they were horrible people—just a
little scary. But Xirnah seemed almost to hate them—which was weird
considering she was supposed to be Kerov’s ideal woman.
    “ I’m sure it’s very interesting,” she said, trying to swallow
her urge to tell the other woman off. “Why don’t you explain it to
    “ I
don’t really have time right now.” Xirnah glanced at her little
watch ring again impatiently. “I’ve already spent more time and
effort on this encounter than it warrants. If I could just find
some good erotic entertainment…Ah—here we are.”
    Frankie looked at
the screen again and saw several men who appeared to be completely
covered in gold body paint. They looked kind of like those living
statues you see at the park or downtown sometimes except they were
completely nude.
    Then a woman came into view but only the top half of her. She
was thin with large breasts and wide areolas which had been painted
red while her nipples had been painted black. The paint job made
her breasts look a little like targets to Frankie but she
supposed some people
might find it erotic. But there were three men and only one woman.
Was this going to be one of those gang-bang type scenes? She
certainly hoped not—aside from the fact that it was demeaning to
women, something like that really turned Frankie off. She didn’t
see how she could make Kerov’s body perform sexually if she was so
disgusted she couldn’t even get it hard in the first
    Then the shot panned
down to the bottom half of the woman…which was a giant spider
looking creature, complete with multiple hairy legs and a swollen
black abdomen with a long stinger dripping green venom on the
    “ Eww!” Frankie exclaimed involuntarily as one of the gold
painted men came forward and began to lick the spider-woman’s
stinger. “What the Hell?”
    “ Oh, fine.” Xirnah sighed impatiently. “I’ll never understand
what you have against xeno-morph erotica but we’ll watch the kind
of thing you like for
a change.”
    She waved again and
the scene changed to two people—just one man and one woman, Frankie
saw with relief—in bed together. Or it looked like a bed—but one
that was vaguely shaped like a cloud and floated in midair somehow.
They were lying close together, their bodies entwined, and then the
man began kissing his way down the woman’s body, taking time along
the way to lick and suck her breasts—which were thankfully not
painted like targets or anything else.
    Frankie felt Kerov
stir uneasily inside and wondered what was going on with him. The
scene continued with the man sliding lower and leaving a trail of
hot, tender kisses along the panting woman’s abdomen. At last he
came to the juncture between her thighs and began kissing all
around the top of her pussy mound.
    Frankie watched with interest. Was this really the kind of
thing that her host liked? Thinking back on it, she had heard that the Kindred liked going
down on their women but—
    “ Tell her to change the program,” Kerov said, interrupting her
thoughts. “Truly,
this isn’t the kind of thing I, uh, am interested in.”
    Frankie thought he
sounded embarrassed but there was no way

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