Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1)

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Book: Swerve: Boosted Hearts (Volume 1) by Sherilee Gray, Rba Designs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherilee Gray, Rba Designs
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and call her sweetheart ? The way he’d said it all growly and sexy when he’d been inside her had been on replay in her traitorous mind since he’d walked out. Remembering the sound of his voice had also left her in a constant state of low-level arousal, just humming below the surface, waiting to be ignited. So it wasn’t a surprise when that lust flared to life, just like that, as if he’d tossed another log on the fire in her loins. Damn him.
    “Not a problem.” She took a step back. “Anyway, I’ll let you get back to work.” Then she added, because her grandmother raised her to use her manners, “Nice to see you again.” Though “nice” wasn’t the correct word to describe how seeing him again had affected her.
    She turned to leave, but Hugh grabbed her arm, halting her escape. Her belly flipped as she lifted her brows in question, in what she hoped was bored curiosity, when in reality she thought her heart might beat right out of her chest.
    He tilted his head to the street. “Where you goin’ now? You got plans?”
    “Just home. No plans.”
    “You wanna get a drink? We were gonna close up in a few, anyway.”
    She wanted to say yes , badly. But this man, her mountain man, he was dangerous. She couldn’t risk falling for someone like him, got the feeling if she did, the impact when she hit the ground would cause a heck of a lot more damage than what Travis had left behind. She couldn’t risk it. Refused to put herself in a situation like that again. A beautiful memory, that’s all Hugh could ever be.
    She took a step back. “I can’t; I’m sorry.”
    His hands went to his hips, gaze boring into her. “You said you didn’t have plans.”
    “I don’t.” The words were out before she realized how they sounded. She inwardly winced. She sucked at lying, always had, and tended not to whenever possible.
    Adam made a choking noise behind Hugh, and his brother barked out a startled laugh then proceeded to explode into hysterics. Oops .
    Hugh’s eyes narrowed on her, and he opened his mouth to say something, but she cut him off before he managed to change her mind.
    “I better go.”
    “Bye now!” Her voice was overly loud and kind of wobbly. Spinning on her heels, she hustled out of Hugh’s magnetic force field…before she got sucked in and never got out.
    His curse was loud enough she heard it as she walked away.
    * * *
    Hugh finished checking the transmission fluid in the Toyota and moved on to the radiator hose that needed replacing. He kept his head down, out of the way, because he sure as hell wasn’t in the mood to talk. Shay had walked out of his workshop an hour ago, and he was still fighting himself, trying to stop from going after her. What the hell would he even say? It was a dumb idea. So he kept busy. If he was a different man, just a guy who owned a garage, who loved to work on cars—things could be different. But he wasn’t that man.
    Not anymore.
    He’d wanted to be a mechanic for as long as he could remember. Ever since he was a kid. Had gotten a job in a garage as soon as he could. Had always known he wanted his own shop one day. He hated that Al had twisted it, turned it into something he could no longer be proud of.
    “Yo!” Joe called. “I’m taking off.”
    Hugh stood, wiped his hands. “Where’s Adam?”
    He gave his brother a chin lift and closed the hood. Joe walked out, and Hugh headed toward the front of the shop, as well. Adam was on the phone, so Hugh took advantage of the fact and left before his friend could stop him. Leaving Adam to close up on his own wasn’t cool, but he would question Hugh about Shay, and he wasn’t going there. There was nothing to talk about.
    He climbed into his truck, fired it up and headed for home.
    Twenty minutes later—and he still didn’t know how the hell it happened—he found himself sitting in his pickup, staring across the road into The Happy Armadillo freaking Trailer Park. The name

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