Summer Pain

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Book: Summer Pain by Destiny Blaine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Destiny Blaine
Tags: BDSM, Contemporary Erotic Romance
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afraid I might have missed you.”
    “I got held up.” Mark removed the plastic lid and took a sip. “What do you have for me?”
    “Tell me about Summer Pain.” Logan dropped his arms between splayed legs.
    “She’s undercover. I had nothing to do with her assignment, but I’m her handler now.”
    “And you didn’t tell me?” Logan grunted. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”
    “Gaylord is dirty. You were right.”
    Interesting, Logan mused. Had Sampson decided to play this another way? “She plans to tell you just the opposite.”
    “Where’d you get your information?”
    Mark was jittery, far too nervous for Logan’s liking. He acted as if he had something to hide, and Logan couldn’t help but think of one of his father’s favorite sayings, “If it slithers like a snake, it’s a snake.”
    “Gaylord paid her a visit. He banged her up pretty good. From what I can tell, this operation is about to be blown to hell and back.”
    Mark shook his head. “Not if I can help it.”
    Logan shoved his hands in his front pockets and stretched his legs forward. “Well, I guess this whole operation is in Summer’s hands now.” Over my dead body.
    “I’ll agree with you there,” Mark said.
    Probably thinking the same thing.
    “Son-of-a-bitch,” Logan grumbled. “We work for years to gain our positions within the club, and the agency sends in a woman to do their bidding for them, to try and figure out which man is dirty, which one has his own agenda. Then the gal lands in bed with one of the MC’s top guys within forty-eight hours of her arrival? How the fuck does that happen?”
    “Your guess is as good as mine,” Mark said, standing. “Logan, you have to be prepared for the worst. If I were you, I’d go to the club, gather up the belongings you have, and get Sassy out of there. If nothing else, send her away for a few weeks.”
    “I probably don’t have a choice now, do I?” Logan stared off in the distance. He couldn’t help but compare men. Mark and Gaylord wanted him out of town. They’d both advised him to leave and take Sassy with him.
    “No, you really don’t.” Mark sighed. “This thing could come down several ways now. I hope to arrange a meeting with Summer later today. If I can see her face-to-face, I’ll reassure her. Once she realizes we know Gaylord is our man here, then maybe we can pull him out without further consequence.”
    “And what if Summer has already confided in Tigger? What if she’s spilled the beans on the entire operation?”
    “Then all of this has been for nothing.”

    Chapter Eleven
    Tigger watched her sleep. The more she tossed and turned and cried out in the midst of her nightmares, the more he wanted to go to her, wrap her in his arms, and tell her everything would be all right.
    Throughout the night, he’d nodded off here and there, slept in a nearby chair with his feet propped up on the edge of the bed. He stood guard, waiting for Gaylord’s return. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he'd known, Gaylord wouldn’t return without provocation.
    Tigger wondered what it would take to entice him. How could he lure him out? What would it take to fling him a bone and start the chase? If Gaylord had paid Summer a visit once, he’d likely pay her a visit in the future. Wouldn’t he?
    One thing about it, if he did return, Tigger would throw a wrench in his plans. Tigger just wished Summer would open up and tell him why this had happened. Was Gaylord provoked because of her inquiries about Damsel or because he’d spent time with her?
    Stirring in her sleep, Summer rolled to her back and stared at the ceiling. She blinked a few times before stretching her slender arm over her head.
    “Good morning.” Tigger uncrossed his legs. With his feet flat against the floor, he scooted the chair closer to the bed.
    “How long did I sleep?” She turned her face toward him.
    “Six or seven hours.”
    Her eyelashes fluttered, and she yawned. “I guess

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