Summer Loving

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Book: Summer Loving by Nicola Yeager Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Yeager
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and I collapse into it. My breathing is ragged now and there’s no doubt about it; I’m crying my eyes out. I can’t stop it. Am I going mad?
    She pushes my head between my knees. I reach up with one h and and try to wipe the tears from my face. My whole body is racked with sobs. Crazily, I think ‘So this is what totally losing it feels like!’
    Janica stays with me, her arm still around my shoulders. ‘Kirstan, could you get this lady a glass of water, please? I think she’s having a funny turn.’
    Through my tears, I watch the cause of my disturbing condition walk into the office behind the reception counter. Janica strokes my hair as I slowly recover and she watches my face intently.
    ‘Are you feeling better? Did you have some sort of panic attack or something? Have you got any medical conditions? Asthma? Diabetes? Epilepsy? Anything like that? How can we help?’
    ‘No. I don’t know. No. Nothing like that. Just felt a bit faint, that’s all.’ I’m talking with my hand across my mouth, intermittently jerking with sobs. ‘I’ll be OK if I can just sit down for a few minutes. I’m sorry. I’ll be OK.’
    ‘Oh, well if you’re sure it’s nothing serious. You gave me a bit of a shock just then.’
    ‘I know. I’m stupid. Sorry.’
    ‘That’s OK. Don’t worry about it.’
    I sniff and look around. What was I doing down here again? Oh yes. Surfing lessons. She said she had a lesson to take. I hate being made a fuss over. I don’t like inconveniencing people, either.
    ‘I feel a lot better now. Don’t let me stop you doing anything.’
    ‘Are you really sure, darling?’
    ‘I’m really sure.’
    ‘OK. Listen sweetheart. I think you’re going to be alright now. You’ve got a bit more colour on your face. I have to go and take a lesson, but my colleague will look after you until you feel better.’
    ‘Yes. Yes, thank you. Sorry about this. I…’
    ‘That’s quite alright, sweetheart. Are you sure you’re going to be OK? I can stay with you, if you like. Doesn’t matter if I’m a few minutes late.’
    I don’t think I’ve ever felt more foolish in my life. I can’t believe this has actually happened.
    ‘No. I’m alright now. Thank you for your help.’
    ‘OK. Maybe I’ll see you later. Take care.’
    She pats me on the shoulder, gets up and strolls off. What a nice lady.
    Kirstan, who still hasn’t recognised me, squats down holding a paper cup full of water.
    ‘Here. Try and drink some of this.’
    I take the cup and almost choke as the water goes down the wrong way. I cough, recover, and then start sniffing. I’m crying again. I can’t help it. I must look a mess. I’ve split half the cup of water on the floor.
    Kirsten is looking straight at me, but there’s not even a glimmer of recognition on his face. Why should there be? It’s been almost eight years. Also, the girl he knew had medium length brown hair and he’s looking at a woman with long blonde hair. On top of that, he’s hardly going to expect me to turn up at this hotel. I’m half wondering if I can get out of this without him realising it’s me.
    ‘I’m sorry about the water. I’ll mop it up.’
    More tears threaten to appear. Kirsten frowns when he hears me speak. He takes off his shades, tilts his head to one side and looks into my eyes. Stupidly, I sob again, my hand over my mouth.
    ‘Sask? Is that you?’
    He almost whispers it. I just stare at him blankly, shaking slightly. Well, could you think of anything smart to say under these circumstances? I sniff once more and smile half-heartedly.
    ‘It might be.’
    This small attempt at witty repartee is too much for me and I place a hand over my mouth as I start sobbing again. I feel like I’m going to throw up.
    He gently uses the back of his hand to clear some of the tears away from my face, then brushes away a few wisps of hair. His touch makes me shiver. ‘I didn’t recognise you. You’re blonde, then.’
    ‘Shit. It suits

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