Stung (Zombie Gentlemen)

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Book: Stung (Zombie Gentlemen) by K.A. Merikan Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Merikan
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touch?” lied Victor, backing away a few steps. His body was
ready for a fight it couldn’t win.
    “Fillin’ yar gob and feelin’ safe.” Crunch backed
off with a scowl. “Ya keep that thing, and I ‘ope for yar own sake, no one
finds it.” The last part sounded like a threat and sent shivers down Victor’s
spine. But it also made him look up into Crunch’s burning eyes. He was too
confused to answer right away.
    Crunch huffed once more, like an angry dragon, and
walked off.
    “Crunch... wait...” Victor leaned his shovel
against the pen fence and followed him. It wasn’t the behaviour of someone who
wanted to steal from him, as unlikely as it was.
    “What ya want, boy?” The guard snapped at him,
looking back with a scowl.
    Victor flinched. “It’s-- it’s my mother’s
engagement ring, all right? I can’t...” He shook his head, swallowing hard.
    Crunch rolled his eyes. “Ya can’t ‘ave it
found, ya knobhead,” he hissed and approached him with his palm open.
    Victor gazed down at the thick flesh, marked by
blisters and rough skin, tense and uncertain of the best way to deal with this
situation. Crunch was right, anyone else would just beat him for smuggling and take the ring, while Crunch had so far been considerate. But they only knew
each other for a day.
    “It’s priceless to me,” he whispered, pleading
with his eyes.
    Crunch sighed and came closer. “I may not look it,
but I’m no beggar nor thief. I’ll keep it safe, yeah?” His hand fell on
Victor's shoulder in a gesture Victor supposed was meant to be reassuring, but
felt like the weight of the world.
    “Please, keep your promise and I’ll be really good
to you.” Victor’s breath caught in his throat as he came closer, palming the
other man’s chest.
    “Don’t need to whore yarself out, boy.” Crunch
just shook his head.
    “It’s not like that!” Victor felt his ears heating
up. “It’s just another promise,” he mumbled, hanging his head in shame. He knew
all too well that his attractiveness was the only card he could play in this
    “I ain’t got all day.” Crunch gestured for him to
give up the ring.
    Victor swallowed, but quickly dove his hand under
the shirt and tugged at the small pouch he hid on the inner side, just below
his armpit. His hands shook a bit as he placed it in Crunch’s open palm. He
didn’t need to see the simple, golden band with a ruby to visualize it. His
heart sunk with a sense of great loss. What if he was feeling the ring’s weight
for the last time?
    “That’s a good boy.” Crunch closed it in his palm
and leaned in for a surprise kiss.
    Victor flung himself at him, desperate and
frightened. “I trust you to keep it,” he whispered against Crunch’s lips,
giving them a gentle nip. His muscles were so tense it hurt.
    “Ya don’t.” Crunch pouted. “But it’s yar best
    Victor flinched. “I trust you more than anyone.”
    Crunch just shook his head. “Go back to work.”
    Feeling increasingly at loss, Victor pressed their
lips together again. “But I’ll see you tomorrow?”
    “If ya wanna,” Crunch mumbled and shrugged,
looking away. “I’ll give ya food anyway.”
    “Yes, of course I want to!” Victor was feeling
worse with each word that fell from Crunch's mouth. He couldn’t lose that one
connection to safety he had. “If your plans for today change... you know where
to find me.”
    Crunch nodded and put the ring in his pocket. He
rubbed his face and walked back to his chair, leaving Victor with the silent
order of going back to work. The deep frown on Crunch’s forehead and the sullen
expression of his lips weren’t promising.

    Chapter 4
    Crunch was cranky all afternoon. Those damn mind
games were pissing him off. As if he didn’t have enough on his plate already,
trying to keep himself afloat without catching too much attention. To make sure
he wouldn’t lose that goddamned ring, Crunch put it on a chain around

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