stood and planted his hands on his desk. “No, go ahead. You brought this up. So let’s have it out. You think I’m Royce Westhorpe all over again. You think that kid is mine. You think I want nothing to do with her like the old man wanted nothing to do with me. I’m an asshole, leaving my wife to deal with this shit. Don’t you think I know that?”
Caleb scrubbed a hand over his face. “You done yet?”
“Nah, you wanted—”
“Shut up, Alec. When are you going to realize that I’m on your side? All I’m saying is that kid needs you. Your kid or not, she’s only a baby. I know you’re freaked the fuck out. And you’re nothing like your old man because you weren’t going to put the baby back on the street or leave her with CPS. That’s not who you are. You’re a better man than that. But I get that you’re scared. I get it.”
Alec jabbed a finger into the desktop as an invisible band tightened around his chest. “I am not my old man.”
“I know that.”
“I’m not him.”
“I know. But why does she scare you so much?”
Good fucking question. “I don’t want to be capable of that kind of cruelty. If I’d fathered a kid, I would have done the right thing. I would have stayed and been in her life.”
“No one thinks you wouldn’t have. Least of all Jaya. Cut yourself some slack, man. Just remember that baby needs more than money thrown at the problem. She needs people to care about her. You can’t let your fear immobilize you. Not to mention, from the looks of Jaya last time I saw—”
A knock at the door interrupted them.
“Yeah, who is it?” Alec called out.
The door swung open, and Jaya pushed the stroller through. “Alec I—Oh, Caleb, hi.” She stopped short. “Sorry. I didn’t realize I was interrupting. Corrine wasn’t at her desk.”
Alec smiled at his wife, already feeling marginally calmer. “No, it’s okay. What’s up?”
She shifted on her heels and slid a glance toward Caleb. “I, um, sorry to do this, but I have a conference call in twenty minutes, and Adele’s assistant Abigail was supposed to watch the baby, but there was a problem with some shipment or something, and now she can’t, and I really have to do this call. I’ve already put it off for two days, and I can’t risk Alexa will wake up and cry. Do you think you can watch her for a few minutes? She’s already been fed, but there’s another bottle in the bag. It’s only for an hour.”
Adrenaline-fueled panic flooded his veins. Him . Alone with a baby. With this baby. “I—” What could he say? Not like he could say no.
In the end, Caleb saved him.
“Of course we’ll watch Alexa. You go take your call. While you’re at it, why don’t you head to the spa after too? You look tired, like you could use a break.”
Alec ground his teeth. She did look tired. Because she’s been doing everything by herself, you moron. “Caleb is right.”
Jaya raised an eyebrow and looked like she was contemplating launching herself at him for an attack, but he put up his hands. “About the you taking a break thing. Not about you looking tired. To me, you’re always beautiful.”
Caleb grinned at the two of them then beat a hasty retreat. “While you two fight this out, I have a mystery woman to ferret out.”
Alec watched his best friend abandon him and considered strangling Caleb the next time he saw him.
Jaya slid Alec a sidelong glance, looking unconvinced. “Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, I can handle this.” All he had to do was do the one thing that terrified him the most.
Chapter Eight
It’s only a baby. It’s only a baby.
Alec stared over into Alexa’s stroller. Wide, blue eyes blinked back at him, and she cooed. A tiny dimple appeared on her right cheek, and he froze. Goddamn, she really did look like him. From the dark tufts of hair on her head to the ridiculously long lashes and those bright blue eyes. He remembered the only baby photo he’d seen of himself. He’d
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