“Hey, this is all you,” Professor Riordan says, turning his bespectacled gaze your way. “You fell asleep doing paperwork and now you’re having another one of your kinky dreams. I’m just along for the ride.” He coughs politely into his fist. “My suggestion is you wake up and retrace your way back to the main storyline. I can assure you with some degree of confidence that this particular branch is not going to end well…”
Y ou get a couple of beers and Detective Riordan sits down at your kitchen table. He reminds you that you’re supposed to be helping save your sorry ass by figuring out the connection between Hersey and that chess piece.
Well, you didn’t think this was a social call, right?
You suggest that Robert died at the hands of a serial killer, but Riordan brushes the idea off — even though he’s the one who brought the chess piece to your attention. And if a chess piece clutched in a dead man’s hand doesn’t seem like serial killer territory, you don’t know what does. Then again, you read a lot of mysteries. Riordan probably does not. It’s doubtful he knows how to read at all.
Which doesn’t change the fact that he’s a good-looking son of a bitch. And, while he does seem irrefutably straight, you can’t quite shake that sense that there’s some connection between you.
You do get him to finally admit he doesn’t think you killed Robert, and that means a lot since his partner, Chan, does think you did it. And most of the evidence, such as there is, points to you.
You remind Riordan that Robert had met someone new, that there was a new man in his life — a man no one seems to know anything about. “Find the guy Robert went to meet that night and I think you’ll nail whoever killed him.”
Riordan is not impressed. “Did you know Claude La Pierra, aka Humphrey Washington, has a juvenile arrest sheet as long as your arm?”
You did not know that.
Riordan has a second beer, you chat about murder and mayhem some more and then he gets up to leave.
If you impulsively choose to ask Riordan to stay, click here
If you see Riordan to the door and then you trundle off to bed, click here
O n Monday Tara shows up at the bookstore to give you Rob’s old high school yearbook. She says that Robert requested she send it to him a few weeks before his death. Surely that means something because Rob had a couple of old yearbooks at his apartment, which means he must be searching for something in particular? Something pertaining to a specific year?
Right after she leaves, Claude calls with some startling news.
“I saw him, cherie , last night at Ball and Chain.”
It takes you a few seconds to get the gist of it, but it turns out Claude has recognized Detective Riordan as a regular at a sex club called Ball and Chain.
“He was probably undercover or something.”
“No! You’re not listening to me. I’ve seen him there before. He’s a member .He’s a master .”
Claude begins to babble about Robert visiting that same club sometimes, which — in Claude’s opinion — makes Riordan a suspect in Robert’s death. Claude seems to believe he can parlay this information to his own advantage, perhaps get Riordan thrown off the case or, better still, blackmail Riordan into backing off in his investigation. You may not be an expert on human nature, but even you can tell Riordan is not the backing off kind.
You try and explain this to Claude, but he misreads your concern for him as concern for Detective Riordan. Which is just…weird. You don’t even like Riordan. At least, you don’t think so. He’s kind of a hard person to like, seeing that he thinks you’re capable of murder.
Claude hangs up on you, and no sooner do you replace the receiver than that reporter from Boytimes, Bruce Green, shows up and asks if he can buy you a cup of coffee.
You let Green know that you’ve done some checking and you’ve discovered he doesn’t actually work for Boytimes
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Charlotte McConaghy
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M. T. Anderson
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