Storm Over the Lake

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Book: Storm Over the Lake by Diana Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Palmer
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pressed her softness against him. His face buried itself in the thick, silky hair like a taffy cloud at her throat, holding her…just holding her.
    â€œI felt so stupid, getting upset when all I had to do was write the story.” She moved restlessly in his arms. “But it hurt me. It hurt me! I’ve always been a littleafraid of rivers and waterfalls, and I kept thinking how it must have been, all that water shooting down over the falls…”
    His arms tightened even more, until her body was so close that his heartbeat shook it. “It’s over,” he murmured quietly. “All over. There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore.”
    He rocked her gently, as if she were a child, and eased the fear and the trembling and the nightmarish memories. She felt her drawn muscles relaxing, felt the hardness of warm muscle and bone close against her in the drowsy silence that followed. She was aware of his warmth and strength, but even more aware of the sudden longing that flooded her yielding body. Only the thin slip of a nightgown separated flesh from flesh, and she could feel every hard line of his torso burning against hers. She was more aware than ever of his massive strength, of the raw power in that big body, of her own weakness.
    â€œI…I’m all right now,” she murmured, and gently pressed against that unyielding muscle.
    â€œI’m not.” He drew back a breath, and she could see the hard lines of his face, the strain in it, the tiny brown flames in his dark eyes. “I can feel every cell in your body through that gown, little girl,” he said quietly, “every soft inch of you. I want you, Dana.”
    She tensed defensively, her eyes widening with fear.
    â€œDon’t go cold on me,” he said, his big hand tracing shivery patterns along her throat, down to the neckline of her gown. “I’ll be exquisitely gentle with you, little cat. I’ll set you on fire and watch you burn in my arms…”
    She drew up like a scorched leaf, turning her face away from that sensuous look in his eyes. “Please let me go,” she pleaded tearfully. “I didn’t know I was expected to pay for a shoulder to cry on.”
    She felt him stiffen, felt the anger touch every muscle in his vibrant body. “Payment in kind?” he growled. “At least you wouldn’t have to buy me, Meredith, the way you had to buy that middle-aged…”
    â€œYou’re middle-aged, too!” she threwback at him, and regretted it instantly, even before she saw the explosion that blackened his glittery eyes.
    â€œThat,” he said, his voice deep and dangerously soft, “was the biggest mistake you’ve made tonight.” His hand tangled in her hair, jerking her face up to his, holding her head back against the merciless strength of his arm.
    She stared back at him defiantly, determined not to show the fear that was ripping her pulse to shreds. “I’m not afraid of you,” she said deliberately.
    â€œWhy should you be?” he asked carelessly. “I wouldn’t be the first, and we both know it.”
    His eyes slid over her with an intimacy that made her blood surge in her veins. Like some magnificent dark illusion, he studied her, his dark hair rumpled, his eyes intense, his mouth almost smiling.
    â€œAre you going to fight me, Meredith?” he asked in a slow, gentle tone.
    Her lips trembled uncertainly, but she stood her ground. “To the last breath,” she assured him.
    His hand propelled her face up to his. His warm, chiseled lips parted hers with all a lover’s practiced skill, smothering her protests as he forced her down into the pillows, his hard chest pinning her under him while he taught her how intimate a kiss could be.
    With a sob, she fought him, panic making her wild as she struggled away from his deep, penetrating kiss and felt his bristly cheek rasp her swollen mouth.
    He drew back,

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