Stirred Up
to knock his
head in. Years ago Jason had made the mistake of confiding his
crush on a friend’s sister, and Brad had razzed him about it for
years. The guy didn’t do subtle. But Jason had known him for ages
and their friendship was a habit. Besides, they ran with the same
    They watched a basketball game on the TV
above the bar, not saying much beyond the odd comment on the game.
At halftime Brad took a long pull of his beer and turned to
    “I meant to tell you we’re meeting at Hugo’s
at nine tomorrow night. That way we can get toasted on cheap drinks
before heading to the strip joints.”
    Jason sighed and rubbed his face. He’d been
over strip clubs for a long time now, but no one else seemed to be.
“I still don’t understand why we couldn’t think up something a
little more original for Kevin’s bachelor party. We’ve been going
to strip clubs since we turned twenty-one. Before that, even. Isn’t
anyone tired of it yet?”
    “Tired of strippers?” Brad said, looking
confused. “That’s not a thing.”
    “I just wish we could show a little
imagination, that’s all. But whatever, I’ll be there.”

Chapter Five
    “Did you guys know about the sweet redhead
Jason’s got interning for him, or has he kept it a secret from you,
    Jason groaned and silently cursed his friend.
They were a few rounds into a long night of drinking, and all six
guys were now looking at him expectantly.
    “It’s nothing,” he said, waving his hand
dismissively. “She’s a teacher in training and I’m mentoring
    “But she’s cute?” Kevin asked.
    “Yeah, she’s cute,” he admitted. Pretending
otherwise would only have been more suspicious.
    “So are you gonna hit that, or what?” yelled
Steve, way louder than necessary, and everyone cracked up.
    “Dude, that’s a firing offense, so no, I’m
    This was greeted with a few seconds of
disappointed silence.
    “Bummer man,” Steve said, shaking his head at
his glass, like he couldn’t believe how unfair the world was.
    Jason stood there, torn between annoyance and
amusement, but mostly hoping the conversation was at an end.
    “You guys ready to head to the Pussycat?” Tom
called out, diverting them all.
    In short order the seven of them piled into
two cabs and headed to the Strip, where they poured out again in
front of the club’s neon pink sign, its signature feline curling
sinuously over the doorway.
    Ah, the Pink Pussycat. It was here, among
other clubs, that he and his friends had come to see naked women
and get sexually frustrated in their early twenties. He was no
longer into getting all worked up with nowhere for it to go, but it
was hard not to feel a thrill when he walked in and the loud music,
sweetened by a few rounds of drinks, pumped through him.
    After a few minutes of milling, they were
shown to a table to the right of the stage, just a few rows back,
and Jason settled in for the show. Eventually he was clapping and
cheering along with everyone else as the girls on stage did their
thing, the energy of the hopped up Saturday night crowd egging him
    Then the strains of a song he dimly
recognized as one of Britney Spears’ finest came on and a sexy
redhead took the stage.
    Jason sat bolt upright, his mouth hanging
open in shock.
    It couldn’t be. His head spun as he stared at
the girl on stage, her red hair spilling over her shoulders like
he’d imagined so many times, her hot little body dressed in a prim
blouse and skirt. Her movements were shy at first, coy, eventually
turning brazen as the lyrics explained that she wasn’t so innocent.
She strode up the stage to the very edge and smiled wickedly,
tearing the white blouse off and tossing it aside to reveal a red
bra and perfect ivory skin that shimmered under the lights.
    His heart pounded in his ears and he couldn’t
catch his breath, but he couldn’t look away either. Everything he
thought he knew crumbled to dust as his innocent young intern

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