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Book: Statistic by Dawn Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Robertson
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patiently wait for my turn with her because I know in the end, she’ll be mine.
    I wonder what these men have that I don’t?
    What can they provide for her that I can’t?
    How have they caught her attention when I still can’t get her to give me the time of day?
    The more days that pass, the more she ignores me. Treating me like some kind of second class citizen. Not worthy of her love or touch. While she gives it away to any man that shows the slightest bit of interest in her.
    Not anymore.
    It stops today.
    It stops now.
    I won’t let her push me away anymore.
    I deserve my chance like all these other men have gotten.
    I won’t let another woman walk out on me.
    It is supposed to be a game, but it has become so much more. She is so much more to me than any of the others ever were. I shouldn’t have feelings for her, but I just can’t help it.
    Aurora Alexander will be mine in the end. No matter what the fuck I have to do to get her.

To say my date with Jackson went unexpectedly well would be an understatement. It was amazing. Everything about us together as a couple would be perfect. The only problem now is the fact that I am seriously torn between two men and still nursing my obsession with talking to men on this stupid dating website.
    It is hard to explain.
    I have become obsessed with the attention this site gives me. It is a high. A boost in the low self esteem I have been nursing for years. I crave the full inbox and the flirty connections I make. Even if I don’t want these men, or will never make the time to meet them.
    I feel disgusting. Like an internet whore. But God, it feels so good.
    Yes, I have two very sexy and charming men in my life. But after being the object of no one’s desire for so long, the attention, the compliments, the feeling I get when I open my page and see a half dozen new messages just does something for me.
    Will I add any more men into my dating mix? Nope, because I already have far too many. I’m just not ready to give up the interaction I have on that website. I lay in bed scrolling through my inbox and see all the messages that have come in within the past forty eight hours when my phone vibrates. Brent’s name flashes across the screen, signaling a text.
    Your date looks like it went well.
    I giggle knowing we totally got caught out. I appreciate the fact that he continues to check up on me after all my dates. I wonder if it is awkward for him to think about, given the fact that we started out on a date before he was friend zoned. But then again, the feeling was mutual.
    It went great. I like him. We’ll see what happens.
    Looking at the clock, I notice it is only nine, and the sun is shining. I think a relaxing day at the beach is exactly what I need to mentally weed out the men in my life.
    What are you doing today?
    Brent asks, probably forgetting Liam is with Colin this weekend. The past two weekends we have gotten the boys together for a variety of activities. From the rec center to the brand new playground they put in off of Sawmill Road. Everything that would get the boys out of the house and enjoying the gorgeous summer weather. God knows in another month it will be too hot to do much of anything outside besides go to the pool or beach.
    Catching up on some work. Liam is with Colin.
    Work is always a good idea when my house is peaceful. Maybe I will call up the girls and see if they want to go to dinner. It has been a couple weeks since we had the chance to get together. Although, I have kind of been putting them off too.
    My phone vibrates once, twice, three times and when I finally look down I see a phone call instead of a reply text from Brent. Jackson’s name reads on the display and I nervously answer the call.
    “Hey Aurora. It’s Jackson.” he nervously answers.
    “Hi Jackson. How are you?” Could I sound like anymore of an asshole? Seriously? How are you? What are we? Business associates?
    “I was wondering if you had some time this

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