Starship Revenant (The Galactic Wars Book 3)

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Book: Starship Revenant (The Galactic Wars Book 3) by Tripp Ellis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tripp Ellis
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either one of you to betray your allegiance,” Walker said. “But I took an oath that I would support and defend the Constitution of the United Planetary Federation against all enemies foreign and domestic. If I have the ability to make a difference in the outcome of this war, I’m sworn to take it.”


    K yva sat on the edge of her bed sobbing. The tears leaked down her orange and blue skin. She was the daughter of Emperor Tyvelon. She was the queen-in-waiting of Saarkturia. And she could think of nothing worse. Both of those facts made her amphibian skin crawl.
    She had a sprawling chamber in the palace that had a beautiful view of the capitol city. But it was nothing more than a gilded prison.
    There was a knock at the door, but she didn’t seem inclined to respond. A few moments later, Rylon entered. He carried with him a magnificent evening gown and set it on the bed. “I hope the afternoon finds you well, My Lady.”
    “It does not,” Kyva said. Her words were like daggers, and she could see right through Rylon’s pretenses.
    Rylon was a wormy sort of Saarkturian. Black, baggy eyes, sharp angular features, and an unrivaled lust for power. He had been advisor to Queen L’Naar, and was now advisor to Prince Valinok. He had orchestrated the alliance with the Decluvians. And for that, Kyva wanted to kill him.
    “The ascension ceremony is tonight. Prince Valinok will be crowned King. And, soon you will be his bride. It is a magnificent occasion. I have had the finest gown handmade for you.”
    “It’s ugly.” She didn’t even look at it. She kept her head down, sulking.
    Rylon’s attempt at cordial behavior vanished. His fake smile turned to a scowl. “You will put the dress on, attend the ceremony, and at least pretend to have a good time.”
    “I don’t have to do anything you say. My father is the Emperor of Decluvia.”
    “And that is precisely why you must do exactly as I say. It is his wish that you become Queen of Saarkturia one day.”
    “I don’t care what he wishes. My life is not for him to determine.”
    “I beg to differ, my dear. Your father has given me full authority to discipline you however I see fit. You have the run of this palace, you are treated like a queen, your every need is met… yet, I can just as easily have you locked up and confined until your rebellious spirit is broken. Perhaps then you would be more compliant?”
    Her eyes burned into him. She was seething with the kind of rage only a teenage princess could muster.
    “My first order as Queen will be to have your head.”
    “Well, that should give you some incentive now, shouldn’t it?” Rylon smiled. “Put on the dress.” He strutted out of the room.
    Kyva grabbed the dress and tossed it on the floor.
    She sat in a huff for a moment, then picked up her PDU and called her father. A moment later, the Emperor appeared on the screen.
    “I hate it here, and I hate you.”
    “At least you are consistent in your emotions,” Tyvelon said.
    “Ugh,” she grumbled. “You can’t make me marry him. He’s repulsive. He’s got pale skin and black eyes. He’s got five fingers. Disgusting.”
    Tyvelon rolled his eyes, enduring her rant. “Are you done?”
    “No, I’m not done. I’m just getting started.”
    “That’s great. I’d love to hear all about it, but I’ve got worlds to conquer.”
    “You never listen to me.”
    “That’s exactly what your mother used to say.”
    She growled at him. “I hate you.”
    “One day, when you are ruler of all you survey, you will thank me.”
    “Send a transport to take me back to Decluvia, or I swear, I’ll make you regret it.”
    Tyvelon was partially amused at her spunk.
    “I’ll ruin this whole alliance. I’ll kill the prince. I’ll be executed for treason. Then you won’t have a daughter to boss around.”
    “If you’re going to kill him, at least wait until after you’re Queen. By then, hopefully you will be smart enough not to get caught.”

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