Starblood (The Starblood Trilogy)

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Book: Starblood (The Starblood Trilogy) by Carmilla Voiez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carmilla Voiez
tentative, gothic man, a mirror image, with long black hair, ivory skin and kohl-rimmed eyes. Not an old, frail man. Not this man. Whispering a few words beneath his breath, he holds the man in stasis. He narrows his eyes and concentrates on Paul’s motionless body. In spite of his age and claims to a weak heart Paul looks strong and vibrant. Time stands still as the men face each other. Like a breath held too long, watching Paul makes Satori’s body shake. Something inside him is bursting to be released, burning him, begging him to let go. Fuck. He already knows this moment, this potentiality, is more exciting than the actuality could ever be. This desire is physical, not spiritual, and for just one second he feels like crying. The wave of sadness passes through him, and the promise of Paul’s body draws his attention once more.
    Satori’s imagination paints pictures on the other man’s skin. At first only symbols burning on the pale flesh, then Paul’s arms become great tree trunks topped with silver foliage and faeries dance across his stomach. Pan stretches out to him from Paul’s chest. The fawn’s lascivious smile invites Satori to join the dance. The images fade and Paul’s body glows as a golden aura traces its path around his form.
    He releases Paul who advances once more and still Satori has no idea whether he wants this. He tries to shrug and smile, but Paul is too close to sense any dismissal. Satori’s lips are pressed by the fleshy mouth of his friend. His tongue is tickled then covered by another tongue. Then his mouth is full of heat and saliva. He finds himself hardening, responding in kind to the passion pushing inside him. He grasps Paul’s shoulders and pulls him closer. His own tongue explores the other man’s mouth, two muscles expanding and contracting, stroking each other and moving blindly outwith their warm, cavernous homes. His hands move down Paul’s back. His fingers grasp buttocks and he pulls them towards him, pressing himself eagerly against Paul’s cock. Then he moves backwards. Paul guides him towards the bed. He no longer judges the man by his age or beauty. He wants to know him, all of him. What are looks when eyes are too close to focus? What is youth when skin is willing and able to please? Paul’s scent is intoxicating. All Satori can concentrate on is that smell of sweet musk and a growing need to be inside. His penis aches, wanting to be touched, and Paul’s fingers, when they close around it, do not disappoint.

Chapter 10
    ‘Thanks for inviting me,’ Sarah says. Her eyes shine and her smile seems irrepressible.
    For a moment Donna just watches her new friend in silence. Then they hurry along the road again. She wonders why she cannot find the right words. After all, Sarah is the reason she is going to this party in the first place. The exciting friend she met just one week ago at the train station.
    Sarah is twenty years old and in her final year at University. Why didn’t I meet her earlier? ‘It’s just a party,’ Donna manages at last. ‘I don’t know whether you’ll even like Raven. She’s a bit … ’
    ‘A bit what?’ Sarah stops walking and stares into Donna’s eyes.
    For the hundredth time this evening Donna feels her words melt away. She shakes her head and shrugs at Sarah’s confusion.
    ‘What?’ Sarah presses.
    ‘W-w-well Raven is very Gothic.’ She smiles in relief, having successfully finished the sentence, then notices Sarah’s frown.
    ‘So? Isn’t that why we’re going to her party in the first place? Aren’t we a bit Gothic too? At Uni they always call me Ms Le Freak.’
    Donna pushes her long fringe out of her eyes and looks again at Sarah. How could anyone consider this girl a freak? She looks like Lizzie Siddell. She is the most beautiful woman Donna has ever met. She only wishes she could know whether Sarah feels anything more than friendship towards her.
    ‘Um, yeah, I suppose so. You’ll see when we get there. You can make

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