Star Wars Journal - Hero for Hire by Han Solo

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Book: Star Wars Journal - Hero for Hire by Han Solo by Donna Tauscher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Tauscher
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Those TIE boys didn’t see me coming. See, there’s an advantage to entering the game late: The element of surprise.
    Sai’da: So you entered the battle for Luke?
    Han: Kind of. But more than that. I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t want those Imperial TIEs humming down passageways behind any of our boys. They’re an evil-looking bunch, the Imperial forces, including their ships. Even after all the casualties and failed attempts, each Rebel was willing to give his life for Luke’s chance to blow the Death Star out of the galaxy. That kind of bravery gets to you. I knew I had to help the kid. And at that moment I knew in my gut that I was with the Rebel Alliance. It’s like it all becomes clear. And when you know something that sure inside of you, your body just takes off and all you can do is follow. I was going to make sure that Darth Vader—and don’t ask me how I knew it was him—didn’t ruin the kid’s chance.
    I told you I like action. Coming at those Imperial TIEs and giving them the surprise of their lives was pretty wild. The Death Star was seconds from eliminating the Rebel base. Talk about changing the course of history for the galaxy. That would have been a grim story for you.
    But it didn’t happen. First I blasted one of the wingmen. A clear shot. He didn’t know what hit him. That got the attention of the other two. There was no time for subtle games or maneuvers. I just came right at those TIE fighters. Scared the one guy into making a move that slammed him against the wall of the trench. But not before he’d nicked Darth Vader’s wing and sent him spinning out of control into space.
    I think getting to say, “You’re all clear, kid,” to Luke was one of the high points of my life.
    And the kid. I still can’t believe it. Luke dropped those proton torpedoes down the chute and made something beautiful out of evil. The Death Star exploded into a star field like nothing you’ve ever seen. What are the chances of hitting a shot like that? One in a million! Amazing. The kid really showed his stuff.

    Sai’da: How were you feeling about yourself once you joined in the battle?
    Han: Thrilled. When the Death Star exploded and the reality of the situation hit—that was something. Flying the Falcon back to the base with the other Rebels, thinking about what we had just done… I mean, it was unbelievable. This scrappy little group of Rebels had taken down the biggest space station in history!
    I wasn’t used to being a part of the good guy team, if you know what I mean. Outwitting the Imperial forces with a smuggled load is one thing. But going up against them was something else. And not for any reward, but because it was the right thing to do.
    Most of the excitement was from the simple high of battle, but part of it was from belonging to something bigger than myself. When you’re working together with people you believe in, your world suddenly seems a little bigger. It’s a rush. For a while anyway.
    Instead of turning the Falcon around and jumping into hyperspace like I normally would have, I followed the boys back to base.
    Yeah, we were a wild bunch of pilots. We felt alive. We couldn’t say enough nice things about each other. I was even proud of the little R2 unit. I was thinking of him as wounded in battle! And Threepio was so beside himself with worry over Artoo that he offered to donate his circuits to him. We were all crazy in the way that being happy can make you sometimes. I was hugging Luke and Leia. Chewie and I were cheering and embracing like long-lost brothers.
    All the Rebel forces were yelling for us once we got back, and it seemed like we were a big, happy, friendly family.
    Eventually things calmed down, though. I got ahold of myself. Then doubt crept in again, like, what do I think I’m doing hanging out here with these people? I’ve got debts to pay and a life to live. I can’t go chasing around the galaxy like some hero with a fairy princess and

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