Star Kissed

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Book: Star Kissed by Lizzy Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lizzy Ford
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    It was better that she went to one of his cousins. After their brief interactions, he found himself thinking of her too much already.
    The craft docked at the station, and he pulled himself out of his thoughts. Now that the question of his bride was settled, he had more important matters to consider, mainly the trade treaty negotiations with a neighboring solar system. He needed more shards, and they needed the Naki army to help combat their enemies. It was going to be a dicey negotiation, one his father asked him to perform rather than their mother. The war-like Kini were more likely to take a Naki diplomat hostage than they were negotiate.
    He moved through the halls to his quarters. He entered and passed the guard in the antechambers, not remembering the human within until he’d crossed half his room.
    The human was curled in the middle of his bed. Her blonde hair was loose and framed her head. Her skin was pale, and the skin under her eyes red. She’d been crying, her fetal position like that of a child who’d had a nightmare. Her skin was smooth and flawless, her face oval-shaped. The strange aura his mother possessed hung around this human as well, a combination of purity and warmth. Where his mother’s eyes were rich blue like his, Mandy had blue-grey eyes that seemed to change color with her mood. She was tall and slender with a shapely body he found his eyes roving over.
    Even in sleep, she was distressed. He leaned over and rested his hand on her forehead. Her skin was soft and warm. He sat on the edge of the bed, entranced again by everything about her. He ran his fingers through her hair. Her breathing deepened, and some of the tension left her frame.
    Akkadi’s gaze lingered on her. He hadn’t thought to check her for injuries after her time on the planet but scanned her body visually. She had some scratches on one forearm.
    “Send a healer to my quarters,” he whispered, knowing the transmission would be sent through the multi-function device at the base of his neck.
    He untangled his fingers from her hair and rose. He’d opened the star gate and discovered the humans. Now, he had to go back to his normal routine: battle with the Ishta, clandestinely supplying Urik with the means to occupy Ishta on the planet and negotiations.
    There was no room for Mandy, no matter how enchanting she was.
    Akkadi left his quarters for the battle deck. No sooner had he stepped foot when a transmission came in. He strode to the command room and the private communications console in the corner.
    He’d heard stories of how barbaric the Kini race was. However, the Kini needed help building ships that didn’t break a part in space, and Akkadi wanted access to their energy stores. He had to find common ground with them.
    The image on his screen was of an unkempt man with a bushy beard and uneven teeth. The address was inappropriate for a Naki.
    “My king. It is a pleasure to-” Akkadi started.
    “When are you coming to the planet?”
    “My understanding was –”
    “Two days is acceptable,” the Kini king barked. “Bring your best weapons.”
    “We do not travel on diplomatic missions with weapons.”
    The Kini laughed and closed the communication.
    Each race had its quirks when dealing with negotiations. He had a feeling trying to secure an agreement with the Kini would be more of a challenge than normal. Despite this, he logged plans to travel to the Kini home world in two days time.
    Akkadi suppressed a sigh, not looking forward to the journey.

Chapter Five
    When he returned to his quarters later, he expected to find the human awake or gone. She’d been determined to escape earlier, and he hadn’t locked the doors on the way out. Instead, she was still sleeping, this time in grey clothing provided her by one of his servants. She was clean, stretched out on her stomach, her long legs and rounded bottom drawing his gaze.
    He frowned, aware he’d have to trade her off to one of his

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