Spirit Sorceress: Spirit Sorceress: Book 1

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Book: Spirit Sorceress: Spirit Sorceress: Book 1 by D. L. Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. L. Harrison
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wasn’t required to answer, and
spirit sorcerers didn’t usually advertise our existence, even to the
supernatural.  Yet, I felt like I owed her answers, after all, I’d just
tried to kill her.  I decided to share some answers, just not as many as
James had managed to pull from me.
    “Spirit sorceress, or I was that, before James forcibly
turned me.”
    The other woman, the earth sorceress asked, “Do you follow
the tenets of Inari?”
    My mouth dropped open in shock, where had she learned that
knowledge?  But I managed to nod my head yes.
    She turned to Ceara, “You should give her a chance.”
    Everyone out cold started to wake up then, and everyone that
was a child of James, that was left, dropped to one knee as soon as they saw me
and Eustice in that position.  The three guards woke up, and a few seconds
later the four guards from downstairs that survived rushed into the room.
    Ceara nodded to her friend and then ordered the guards,
“Take them to cells, I will see them all separately.”
    I was ordered to stand and guided to the stairs.  As we
got close to the first floor, I realized I could flee, easily overpower the
guards and get out of the city.  My heart sunk though, what would be the
point?  Live alone without family in the forest like the last two
years?  Haunt the edge of Seattle when I needed to feed?  I had
nothing left out there, and I was more than just a spirit sorceress, I was a
vampire.  It was no way to live, now that I was at peace with my loss, I’d
no desire to return to such a life.
    Vampire covens were dysfunctional to be sure, but if I could
make it work here, at least I wouldn’t be alone anymore.  So I kept on
walking down the stairs, and didn’t object when they locked me inside of a

    The cell was spotlessly clean.  That was about the best
recommendation I could make.  Three of the walls were cement, the bars and
cell door were about twice as thick as what a human jail cell would be.  I
imagined I didn’t have a chance at breaking it open.  There was a small
bed, a toilet behind a metal partition, and a sink.  That was it.
    I sat on the bed and wondered if I’d made the right decision
in not running.  I was kind of glad my magic had been too hard for me to
control, it had meant I’d gotten what I wanted despite James’ control of me,
but I also knew I never wanted to feel that loss of control again.  It’d
felt like I’d been sucked up into a tornado and couldn’t tell up from
down.  I absolutely had to figure out the trick to using my magic in the
    Plus, working on it would distract me from my worries.
    In the forest, it was the peaceful and balanced spirit of
nature and life in the wild that had grounded me.  It didn’t take me long
to realize, that looking outward wasn’t the answer.  All that was out
there in the city was chaos.
    That only left looking inward.  My own soul?  That
didn’t quite sound right.  My soul was fairly at peace with myself, but it
was one against hundreds of thousands in this city, if not millions once my
power grew great enough to encompass the whole of it. 
    I thought it through slowly.  My power came from
within, the elemental spirit power was pulled from the plane of elemental
spirit, or as some called it, the spiritual plane, or where souls returned to
between lives.  It was pulled and channeled from that plane by my soul,
and the more I channeled, the greater the power, and the greater the reach of
that power.
    Unlike other sorcerers, my gateway was my own soul, instead
of my soul reaching through another gateway, such as air for air.
    It suddenly occurred to me, that my anchor to prevent other
souls from sweeping me into chaos could be the spiritual plane itself. 
What could be more centering than the entire elemental plane of spirit?
    The question was, if I was right, was how the hell would I
anchor my mind through my soul and into the spiritual plane, while pulling
spiritual magic

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