Spiral (Spiral Series)

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Book: Spiral (Spiral Series) by Maddy Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maddy Edwards
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grinned at my friend, shaking my head in amusement, then took a deep breath and finished packing. Jar knew that the moment Eric had disappeared from view I had forgotten about him, because I didn’t really care in the first place.
    Jar shrugged. “There’s a mountain of things that could go wrong. I hope none do, but it’s nearly impossible to think that none of them will.”
    I looked at my friend and shrugged. He knew there was nothing I could do. He sighed wearily. “This is going to be an interesting spring, that’s for sure.”

Chapter Seven - Natalie
    I had just invited Andrew to dinner with three girls. Under normal circumstances I would have thought it made total sense that a hot guy would want to go out to dinner with three girls, but these three girls happened to be his stepsister and her super-sarcastic friends. I just hoped Jill didn’t say anything awful, but then again, Jill wasn’t happy unless she was saying something shocking.
    I did as my dad suggested and spent the day unpacking. Not only was I tired of the clutter of boxes around the house, but the work was relaxing. While I cleaned I blasted classic rock, daydreaming of beach days with Jackson. As I worked, the tension in my shoulders and back slowly slipped away. When my dad and Olivia finally came home I was all ready for dinner, so I barely had time to say hi to them before heading out. Andrew had come back to shower and change before the two of us headed out for the evening, and he was ready too.
    “It’s probably good that our parents get some alone time,” Andrew commented as we walked to his truck. “Between how busy they’ve been since the wedding and the fact that you and I are on break, they’ve hardly had any time to themselves.”
    I realized that the biggest thing Andrew and I had in common was wanting our parents to be happy, that Olivia’s being happy was just as important to Andrew as my dad’s being happy was to me. I told him I couldn’t agree more.
    “So, where are we going?” Andrew asked as we pulled down the driveway. He drove like he did everything else, smoothly and without effort. I found myself wondering if anything ever came hard to him. Had he ever been teased for looking weird, or acting weird? I bet not.
    “Pizza place,” I said. There was only one and I knew Andrew went there all the time.
    “Awesome,” said Andrew. He rubbed his stomach. “I love pizza.”
    When we got there, Jill and Maxie were already waiting. When I saw them I remembered that I hadn’t warned them that Andrew was coming. Jill wore a jean dress and combat boots, her I-don’t-give-a-shit-what-you-think-of-me look, while Maxie couldn’t have looked more different. She had pigtails with pink highlights in them and a floral-patterned dress that barely came down past mid-hip. To complete the effect, rainbow-rimmed glasses that she didn’t actually need framed her brown eyes.
    Maxie gave a pleasant wave, flashing her bright purple nail polish for everyone to see, while Jill sort of raised her hand and then let it drop in a half-hearted salute. I grinned and hopped out of the truck.
    “What’s he doing here?” Jill muttered as I approached. “How are we going to talk about the incredibly hot guy at the romance slam with a guy here?” Jill’s black hair framed bright green eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across her nose. She was naturally pale and seemed even more so because she always refused to go out in the sun. If she had to be outside, she made sure to wear a cover-up and a mountain of sunscreen.
    “I invited him,” I muttered back. I had known Jill would be difficult. She hated small talk and being friendly. She had once said that being mean was easier, because if you were mean the person left you alone and you only had to deal with them once.
    Jill eyed Andrew suspiciously, as if he was some alien invader.
    “You know he hangs out in the popular crowd?” she asked, like this should have been all I needed

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