Special Needs
front porch. Liam smiled. He already liked that place. It was surprisingly quiet and peaceful considering how little it took to get into town. Apart from The Lust Pit, there was only one other house overseeing the Posen Beach, Roger’s, about thirty yards away, so it was pleasantly private.
    Only ten minutes later, he arrived at his gym. He was a bit late, so he made the changing into a very brief affair and hastened for the weight room. As expected, his buddies were already there.
    Both Lizzy and Bo were doing weightlifting, but stopped to wave at him.
    “Damn, Liam! What the hell? Haven’t seen you in what? Three weeks?” Bo ran his fingers through his long greasy hair.
    “Changed work and home. You know how that is.” Liam grabbed his hand and gave him a strong pat on the back before turning to Lizzy. The guy had more tattoos than both him and Bo combined, and Liam noticed a new one around his knee. All of his ink was a mixture of different lizards and dragons with scales covering some of the space between them. The only untouched place on Lizzy was his surprisingly warm, friendly face.
    “Changed home?” Lizzy furrowed his eyebrows. “Does that mean Todd is no more?”
    “What? Man! When did that happen? I always thought he was a dick though,” Bo quickly added.
    Liam rolled his eyes and pulled his hair back, securing it with a hairband. If this were the first time something like this happened, he would have asked one of them to let him crash on the couch for a few nights, but in the end, he was far too embarrassed to do that again. And again. And again. “Remember when I told you he planned a trip to Hawaii? Well, guess what, he took some silly blond surfer boy instead of me.”
    “Fuck, man. That sucks. But at least it won’t be you sucking.” Bo nudged him with an elbow and passed him one of the bigger weights.
    Liam chuckled. Yep, having straight friends was great, as it lacked the inevitable complications of being friends with another gay guy. They weren’t available, and he could safely get drunk in their company without risking a very awkward morning after. The one thing he resented though was their lack of appreciation for receptive cocksucking, as demonstrated by Bo, but in the end, nobody was perfect. Liam wasn’t judging them for liking pussy.
    Lizzy on the other hand eyed Liam more carefully. “So, where are you working now?”
    “I’m a live-in caretaker for this cool kid. And yes, he’s gay, obviously.” Liam declined the weight, as he wanted to do a quick warm-up first. “By the way Lizzy, you’ll be meeting him soon.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
    “What? You’ve got a new boss-slash-boyfriend already? The hell?” Bo opened his eyes wider and sat back on the bench. He was always hanging around the gym more than actually working out and it showed. Out of the three of them, he was the skinniest.
    “Yeah, Liam. What’s up with that?” Lizzy looked worried.
    Things calmed down a bit after Liam explained his modus operandi and made them swear to never reveal his sexual orientation to Ryan, but for some reason, Lizzy was less than impressed.
    “This is the stupidest thing I have heard in a while,” he grumbled.
    Liam blinked, taken aback. “What? Why? Cole thinks it’s a good idea...”
    “Lying to a young, disabled, gay boy?” Lizzy sighed.
    Bo scratched his head. “Is it really that important, Liz? Come on, at least he won’t sleep with another boss.”
    Liam’s smile dropped. The way Bo said it made him sound like a teenage sex addict.
    Lizzy gave up. “Yeah, maybe that’s not the worst thing he could do,” he said as if Liam wasn’t there.
    “Duh, I could use my charms on someone vulnerable, but that’s not my style.” Liam huffed, challenging him with a stare.
    “So what? You’re gonna do it until you find another job at a restaurant?”
    Liam shifted his weight. How the hell was someone as freaky looking as Lizzy so goddamn stern and organized? “Dunno yet.

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