Tyler’s science teacher confirmed.
Of course, Jim Colabza defended Tyler, but he was starting to witness this atypical behavior himself, and felt that perhaps a little talk like in the old days was in order. That would have to wait until his 7th period Participation in Government class; the one that Tyler and Lilith shared together. It was true that Lilith was two years older than Tyler, but she had flunked PIG the previous year so that she would be able to take it with Tyler, her new pet. This was made especially evident when she refused to attend summer school to make up the class.
For the entire class, Tyler had his chin resting in his hand, which was supported by his elbow, which was resting languidly on his desk. His gaze was affixed not on Mr. Colabza or even the blackboard behind him, but across the room, where Lilith was sitting, lightly tonguing her pen while she looked intently at the notes on the blackboard. Her seat had been moved months earlier when Mr. Colabza decided that he had a little too much competition for Tyler’s attention. As is evident, it did not help. Lilith was aware of Tyler’s gaze though, yes she was. Whose benefit do you think the pen-licking and sucking was for? Tyler thought about Lilit h– these periods of thought were affectionately referred to by both Tyler and Lilith as his “reflecting time ”– but what was the change with that? He had been silently obsessing about her for the last five years…ever since the Sure-Fire air gun was taken from him that day. He never asked for it back, to his parent’s befuddlement an d– let’s face i t– utter relief, and he considered it forgotten. So, they junked it. Maybe Herman the Hobo rescued it from the trash.
If Lilith had charmed him to come over to her in the middle of class with a sly and seductive crook of her finger, hell, in the middle of the Pledge of Allegiance, Tyler would have gotten up from his desk so fast and without forethought, that the desk would have followed the rest of him and raise into the air with his knees as he fell on his face in front of the whole class (although, if it was during the Pledge, he’d already be standing, but his zeal would still manage to trip him up somehow.) Yes, he would do it, but not only would thy will be done, it would be done gratefully . That was the worrisome part. He thought about that tongue and not only what she had already done to him with it, but what she had yet to do to him with it. He thought about th e –
“Tyler!” boomed from the front of the class room.
“Hmm?” His head whipped around like the quintessential overnight security guard who was caught dozing by his supervisor.
Mr. Colabza was disappointed . “See me after class Tyler.” This lead to the typical sophomoric jeer from the rest of the class, save for Lilith: The cacophonous blend of “ooooo’s,” as if to say, “You’re in troublllllllllle!” That sound is irritating to anyone and Jim Colabza was no exception.
“That’s enough!” Mr. Colabza thundered. The students shut their mouths at once, for if Mr. Colabza was yelling, they know that they surely screwed the pooch...and royally. Jim Colabza used his roars like a gunslinger uses his bullets…that is to say, sparingly. While each cartridge of lead that is slung packs the same punch, no matter how many are fired, when a man who almost never yells finally lets one fly, you know you’ve transgressed that fine line in the sand.
Just in time to break the deafening silence, the bell rang and the period was over. There was a little extra giddy-up in the steps of Mr. Colabza’s seventh period PIG students this day. Instead of lingering a bit and having a quick friendly word with their teacher as usual, they were out the door in a flash; well, except for Tyler…and Lilith.
“Lilith, you can go to your next class, I only need to speak with Tyler,” he said.
“No, I think I’ll wait for Tyler,” Lilith countered.
“ No
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