Solbidyum Wars Saga 9: At What Price

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Book: Solbidyum Wars Saga 9: At What Price by Dale Musser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale Musser
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service to the Federation.
    “Now, Rear Admiral Tibby, if you don’t mind, I believe the people would like to hear a few words from you.”
    I never got the chance to say anything, for at that very moment the air was split by a loud boom.  The dignitary section, where Kala, Lunnie and I had been seated a few moments earlier, and a large radius around our seats, had exploded, sending bodies and debris flying in all directions.  At least three other explosions could be heard around the base grounds.  Seconds later claxons began to sound.  I started to shout out an order for everyone to take cover, when something hit me hard in the chest, immediately knocking me off my feet.  I heard someone yelling out orders, but I couldn’t make out clearly what they were.  I seemed to fall to the stage floor in slow motion.  Even at that, it seemed I was looking up at the blue sky for only a split second before Lunnie had thrown herself across my body.  I turned my head to the side long enough to see Reide and a group of cadets surround me to form a body shield.
    As if from a great distance, I heard Lunnie shout, “Hang on, dad!  Help is on the way!”  Then everything turned red and faded into blackness.
    Funny things happen to me when I die – or nearly die, anyway.  I seem to go somewhere else, to a beautiful, serene valley lined by trees and a colorful ribbon of meadow meandering through it.  Each time I find myself there naked.  It was usually Kala's sister, Luinella, who greeted me at this place.  At least, that’s how it was in previous events.  This time it was different.  This time it was Tanden, Jenira’s brother that I saw when I opened my eyes.  Like me, he was nude and hunkered down on a large rock, waiting for me to rouse from my strange slumber.
    Hi, Tibby,” he said without a smile.
    “Tanden?” I said in wonder as I slowly looked at my surroundings and realized where I was.  “Am I dead?”
    “Not yet,” he said as he stood up and looked about.  “But you soon could be.”
    “So I’m going to die?” I said more as a statement than a question, but Tanden answered anyway.
    “You could, but you won’t – at least not yet.  You still have things to do.  Ming is about to attack the Federation again and his forces are stronger than ever.  If you wish to save the Federation, you must be prepared to do it at an enormous price.”
    “How do you know that?  And at what price?” I asked.
    Tanden smiled softly.  “I can’t explain how I know.  You'll have to take my word for it.  As for the price, you’ll know what it is when the time comes.”  He smiled again, just as I started to hear a growing buzz that filled the air – or maybe my head.  I wasn’t sure which.
    “Well, it looks like it’s time for you to return, Tibby.  Tell Jenira I love her and that I’m doing great.”
    The last of his words slowly faded into the buzzing that had now become very loud.  I felt like I was spinning as everything turned red again.  From somewhere in the distance I heard a voice say, “Got a pulse.  He’s coming around.”
    I opened my eyes to see a wide-eyed and panicked cadet observing at me on one side and Kala watching me from the other.
    “What happened?” I asked feebly.  When I spoke, an unexpected intense pain shot through my chest.
    “You were shot,” said Kala emotionally, as she took my hand and squeezed it.  I could see pools of tears in her eyes.  “It was some sort of projectile weapon, possibly a magnetic propulsion gun.  Luckily, your body armor prevented the round from piercing your chest cavity, but the impact was right over your heart.”
    “Where are we now?” I asked.  Something about the room looked familiar.
    “We’re aboard a patrol ship headed for the nearest carrier.  We'll use one of their launch tube Cantolla Gates to fly back to the GLOMAR ROSA as quickly and safely as possible.”
    Around me were several young people wearing JAC cadet uniforms

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