Sodom and Detroit
breathlessly. “I’m a little
early for my appointment with Carla. Is it okay to go back?”
    The receptionist said, “Please have a seat while I
check.” She gave Maeve a knowing grin and scanned the screen of her
    The ultramodern white patent leather couch was cool
beneath the thin fabric of her dress as she perched on the edge and
tapped her foot. Maeve tried to overhear the conversation on the
other side of the room without being obvious about it. The
receptionist spoke in a low murmur into the phone without making
any telling expressions. She placed two additional phone calls and
kept darting her gaze to Maeve.
    The phone rang, and the receptionist answered it and
then said, “Go ahead back. Carla is waiting for you.”
    Maeve shot off the couch and gave the receptionist a
merry smile. Her heartbeat sped up as she entered the familiar hush
of the VR spa. At the other end of the hall a man with a bald head
and wonderfully wide shoulders walked away from her. His butt was
magnificent, and she wondered who he was. Giving his retreating
figure one last appreciative glance, Maeve entered room
    Carla closed the window of the screen she was
looking at and said with a wry smile, “You’re early.”
    Maeve slipped her shoes off and hopped on the edge
of the white silk bed. “I had an idea for my fantasy tonight, and I
wanted to get it right with you first.” Her heels drummed against
the edge of the VR pod with excitement. This was better than any
second date she’d ever had.
    She told Carla, who typed in the details, then said,
“I’ll have to check with your partner first. The man who played the
sheik last night, right?”
    Maeve felt apprehension tighten her stomach. What if
he stood her up? Was not showing up for VR sex even called being
stood up? “Yeah. Do you know who he is?”
    Carla turned back to the screen. “No. We keep
everything as private as possible. Not only am I your fantasy
hostess, I’m also your sex therapist. I’m bound by the Hippocratic
oath not to reveal any information about you.”
    “So you can’t snoop and find out who he is?”
    Carla grinned. “Nope. But you can feel free to try
and get that information out of him in your fantasy. Which, I might
add, is wonderful.” Her lips pursed as she read something on the
screen. “Your mystery man has a request for tonight’s fantasy.”
    “Really?” She suddenly felt selfish. This was just
as much his fantasy as hers, and last night they had indulged her
needs in spades. He deserved a chance too.
    “He wants to add another man to the mix.” Carla said
this in a matter-of-fact tone.
    To her, it was probably no big deal. To Maeve, it
was major. With Sula, it had been another woman, and he had just
watched. But if another man was there— with them—how would
the sheik react? She couldn’t imagine sharing her man with another
woman; the instant jealousy would be a total turnoff. The very idea
made her stomach clench in a hard knot.
    After being accused of cheating by her college
boyfriend, she had become almost fanatical about not giving any
indication of being two-timing when she was in a relationship. That
was probably part of the reason she avoided relationships.
Constantly worrying that they would think she was fooling around on
them and dump her made her extremely tense and anxious. Her
insecurity wasn’t any easier on the guy she was dating, and they
quickly grew tired of her constant need for the reaffirmation of
their trust.
    It was so much easier to just view sex as a physical
release and not tie any emotions to it. Heck, even when she was
just with a man for sex, she made sure he knew she didn’t have a
boyfriend. The thought of being with two men at once was very
arousing, but she worried about either of them feeling jealous. If
they fought over her or because of her, it would crush her heart.
This decision took an incredible amount of trust in both the sheik
and the man who wanted to join them, and she

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